Attkisson govt. computer intrusion case reassigned to a different judge

According to the U.S. District Court, the Attkisson government computer intrusion case has been assigned to a different judge.

Case Reassigned to Judge Julie Rebecca Rubin.

Judge Richard D. Bennett no longer assigned to the case.

Court Document

Rubin is a recent Biden appointee.

Bennett is a George W. Bush appointee.

Attkisson is suing over the forensically-proven government computer intrusions of her family and professional computers and other devices while she was a CBS News investigative correspondent.

She has received a clerk’s default judgement against one defendant, a former federal agent who was involved in some of the surveillance.

The Dept. of Justice is using taxpayer money to pay for private counsel for another defendant involved in the spy operation against Attkisson and others. He is a former Secret Service agent who has since served time in prison in a separate corruption case.

Want to help? Donate to Attkisson’s Legal Fund here

Read more about Attkisson v. DOJ and FBI here.

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8 thoughts on “Attkisson govt. computer intrusion case reassigned to a different judge”

  1. Thats how the government “of the people, for the people” handle a case they know they would in all likely hood loose. Soooo drag it out using my tax payer money in the hopes the legal expenses break the suer, either financially or mentally. Not going to work against Sharyl. Keep up the good fight.

  2. I too am very upset, Americans who have been following you since about 2007 know the score, this should have been settled years ago it is not complicated. You waking up and seeing you computer dancing around when you were still with CBS. Also the tech guy who looked into your outside lines.
    Somebody was hacking into your documents.. it should have been “FAST AND FURIOUS”

  3. Sharyl, when will this ever end? Let me rephrase that, when will this ever start? This has been going on far too long. This is a case of deny, deny until we all die. Where is the idea of a speedy trial? Those that have been named will be retired and living on an island in the South Pacific never to be heard from again. They are just stringing you along. You have much more patients than I.

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