Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced there will be no massive infusion of donations from him and his wife to state and local elections offices prior to the 2022 Midterm elections.
That decision follows a great deal of controversy over hundreds of millions of dollars Zuckerberg and his wife gave just prior to the 2020 presidential election.
The couple said the money, distributed to governments through two nonprofits, was to help make sure there were more safe ways for people to vote during the Covid restrictions.
Critics say the money was used for measures that benefitted Democrats and made it easier to commit fraud. They claim it influenced the outcome of the 2020 race.
More than a dozen states have since passed laws banning elections offices from accepting donations from private corporations or nonprofits. Mississippi is the latest state to enact a ban.
The primary nonprofit that distributed Zuck Bucks, the Center for Technology and Civil Life, has announced a separate $80 million effort it says will help state and local election offices.
Watch Sharyl Attkisson’s report on Zuck Bucks here.
It was clear to anyone with commong sense what the Democrats were doing in closing months of the 2020 campaign but the Republicans did absolutely nothing about it and let them get away with it.
A “hand in the cookie jar” reaction? He should be imprisoned for what he did!!
“2000 Mules”
Coming soon to grand jury near you.
Hmmm….. ask him to define ‘massive’
Re: “Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has announced there will be no massive infusion of donations…” and/or, Bill Gates predicts that ‘the next pandemic is coming soon’ to a theater near you. Why are We the People listening to a few Oligarchs for advice on political matters and/or health concerns? Or is it just how the narrative product rolls–and there’s no escaping the propaganda machine? For those of us who’ve been considering the relevance of the film, “The Matrix”(prod. 1999) the fact that Zuckerberg’s FaceBook replacement product-META-is gearing up as an adjunct to AI grid maintenance ought to be assessed as a dangerous outcome. What we are looking at is the role of the ‘Oligarchs’ in literally shaping any pseudo-democratic process, and subverting what remains of constitutional authority. As one fellow freedom-lover said: No Private Money For Public Office!
Assuming Zuck has not laundered his money so it can be distributed without it being traced back to him, it is a good thing.
Assuming someone else is not taking their turn.
I am not sure how many States or governmental sub-units from Democratic areas ban that money or and how many will comply with the ban. I believe Democrat areas were the main recipients of Zuck Bucks, so a ban in a Republican area will be irrelevant.