(POLL) More than 40% of Americans ‘still highly concerned’ about illegal immigration

The following is an excerpt from Gallup.

Forty-one percent of Americans report worrying a great deal about the issue of illegal immigration, with another 19% worried a fair amount, according to a March 1-18 Gallup survey. The survey was conducted before the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced it will soon terminate the emergency powers given to border agents during the pandemic that have allowed them to turn migrants back without an opportunity to seek asylum.

The 41% currently worried a great deal roughly ties the percentage found a year ago but is otherwise on the high end of Gallup readings taken over the past decade. The only time significantly more Americans were this concerned was in 2007, when 45% worried a great deal as then-President George W. Bush and Congress debated comprehensive immigration reform.


Gallup measures Americans’ concern about illegal immigration along with numerous other issues facing the country each March.

As reported last month, illegal immigration ties with race relations as a public concern and ranks among the lower half of 14 issues rated this year.

The 41% saying they worry a great deal about these contrasts with 59% worried about their top concern, inflation. (Continued)

Link to Gallup article here

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1 thought on “(POLL) More than 40% of Americans ‘still highly concerned’ about illegal immigration”

  1. Thanks Sharyl,

    17% of the people did not cast an opinion in the above graph. Is is fair to combine the 17% with the 23% that said they did not worry about Illegal Immigration.
    That is 40% of the people who have no vision of a future for America.

    According to the Gallup article reached by the link, 18% of the Democrats did not cast an opinion on that graph. Combining the above 18% with the 44% shows 62% of the Democrats have no vision of future for America.

    A change of 11% of the people is all that it takes for America of head for oblivion. I arrived at that figure by combining the 40% in my first paragraph who have no vision for the future of America to 11% subtracted from the 62% of the Democrats have no vision of a future for America.

    11% of the Democrats added to the 40% of everyone reaches a majority of 51%. A democracy as defined by Democrat wisdom gives them the nihilism that seek.
    Amnesty for all Illegal Aliens and save the world from America.

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