A great debate is underway across America: are “soft-on-crime” prosecutors and policies to blame for America’s violent crime wave?
Sunday on Full Measure, I’ll hear from people with divergent views on the topic.
Washington D.C. police chief Robert Contee is grappling with spikes in crimes from homicide to carjackings and has some strong thoughts on what’s behind the trend.

I’ll also speak with the undersheriff of a community in New York state, Korey Brown, where a new record for homicides has just been set.

On the other side, representing so-called “reform prosecutors” who were elected to office in recent years on a mission of criminal justice reform, we’ll hear from Commonwealth Attorney Steve Descano in Fairfax County, Virginia. Backed by money from billionaire activist George Soros, Descano makes the case for controversial policies some are faulting for the rise in crime.

And civil rights and community activist Robert Woodson has some thoughts to add to the equation that I didn’t expect to hear.

Also Sunday, Scott Thuman reports from the Mideast on one of the most violent and longest-running conflicts covered on the news: the dispute between Jews and Palestinians over territory they both claim.
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