The following is a news analysis
The Justice Department National Security Division reports no records responsive to Freedom of Information (FOIA) law regarding the government surveillance of me and my computers while I was an investigative correspondent at CBS News.
The claim of no responsive records was made after a request two years ago by attorney Ty Clevenger.
The forensically-proven government surveillance on me and my family is the subject of an ongoing lawsuit I filed against ex-federal agents involved. The court has already awarded me a clerk’s default in the instance of one defendant who admitted being part of the illegal surveillance. He also acknowledged that many other US citizens were illegally surveilled. Instead of holding the federal agents accountable, the Dept. of Justice continues to use taxpayer money to fight the charges and defend the guilty agents. They include an ex-Secret Service agent who recently served time in prison on a separate case of corruption.
Under the law, federal agencies are required to provide FOI documents within about 30 days of the request, which is often far too late for them to be useful in a breaking news report. Even so, the agencies commonly stonewall or flout the law so that it takes years to get a response. And even when the response is provided, or forced through a FOI lawsuit, the public documents ultimately provided are often heavily redacted from public view.
Another strategy federal agencies are increasingly relying upon when forced to produce documents is to offer them on a “rolling production schedule.” In other words, they find so many documents they claim they don’t have the time and resources to go through all of them to redact anything they wish before releasing them and, therefore, they will only do a certain amount per month. This schedule can play out for decades– on a request that was due to be filled under the law within 30 days.
You can read the Dept. of Justice National Security Division response below. Click and enlarge the image if necessary.

I’m so sorry, Sharyl. Our federal government needs to be reformed to follow the law. That’s my burden with an organization called Convention of States.
Convention of states will be an absolute disaster.
You have a constitution.
Use it. Enforce it. Just as it was intended. No need to change anything.
If you do need to change something, there is a process to do just that under the constitution.
If you think anything useful can come out of the present insanity and that any convention will not be completely corrupt and hijacked by woketards, bolsheviks and jacobins, then you are delusional.
Your population is poisoned, wrongly educated, misinfomed and incapable of making decisions for itself.
Just stop and use what you have been given, but has been stolen.
Joel S. doesn’t have a clue. Press on.
When all is said and done, this (awful) story will be another bestseller of yours. What a shameful and corrupt govt.
Abhorrent, illegal and unethical lack of accountability.
The Department of Justice should be renamed the Department of Injustice.
Please know that I and my family are interested in your case and support your efforts to obtain justice and accountability against the government and its agents who have violated the law.
Richard Vary, J.D. (former AUSA, ED Michigan)
Saginaw, Michigan
Don’t give up Sharyl! I’m sure you have a strategy formulated that will involve some oversight by one of the House committees but you’re most likely going to wait until the House (and Senate) flip in November. Comey and the DOY cabal need to be grabbed and drug into this. Situation like this can be very pernicious.
Very ironic that they repeatedly cite concern for the privacy of third parties as a reason to withhold the investigation into your loss of privacy rights.
And of course, they will want to mark the evidence you are seeking as “classified.”
Probably there is a larger context of backroom deals as to why all this is kept secret… which we may never understand.
And I may understand all this less than you do.
I’m not sure to what degree you’ve been hurt by all this Sharyl. Due to time constraints and financial pressures and other things I desperately need to learn I haven’t even read bought/and read your book Stonewalled. However, the insanity gripping our political system, media, culture and the many governmental agencies that apparently try to control the narrative in the USA is steering the USA to destruction on so many levels.
Isaiah 59:14-15 So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter. Truth is nowhere to be found, and whoever shuns evil becomes a prey.
There is going to be major payback coming to this corrupt country. We look with contempt at the slave holders of past generation, yet this generation has stolen (via the Federal Debt alone … reference any debt clock online) thirty trillion dollars from the next generation. This is over $90,000 per US citizen or $242,000.00 per US tax payer. Maybe this is a reason the US provoked Russia into going into Ukraine. The US (and partners… I’m unclear on all this) grabbed from what I heard, some $285-$300 Billion of Russia’s foreign reserves. Though this seizure of Russian funds is said to be the biggest heist in history it doesn’t even hold a candle to what the current US government has done in stealing money from the next generation(s). Thomas Jefferson who made some efforts to make the US constitution prohibit slavery, also wanted the constitution to prohibit borrowing more money than could be paid back in one generation. He realized the temptation for one generation to steal from another would eventually be a downfall or problem for the USA.
Just like those that covered their tracks in eavesdropping on you Sharyl, the entire government, leadership and media are covering their tracks in their part in creating the out-of-control system we are in. Big corporations have bitten into the political leadership and like a mad dog shaking its prey, Pharma and big military are now using the levers of government to shake every dollar out of the US economy. Covid was never the disease that was going to kill us all. Yet, because of the influence of big pharma they shut much of the country down and ran up trillions of dollars of debt, while they got rich pushing their narrative. Russia was never on the offense against the US, but now politicians are tripping over themselves to give more money to defense contractors. See this article by Winslow T. Wheeler and this video by Glenn Greenwald.
Though I’m not a music aficionado and I might possibly be getting the song wrong, I recollect Ossy Osbourne(sp?) had a song which had some lyrics “I’m going off the wheels on my crazy train.” Such seems to be an apt description of the current dystopia the US and Europe might be racing and steaming toward. Just saw that Putin had given a speech … might sound crazy… but maybe it isn’t. US leadership does want weaken Russia and perhaps overthrow leaders… but then US leaders back-peddle on some statements. NBC reports giving tactical military info to Ukraine then we hear US denials. Hope for a “soft-landing?” or will US population centers get destroyed?
they state county and the feds . have ben spying on me now for 30 years. i came to you for help a long time ago. the reason for there spying has grown to at least 50,000 canser deaths. caused by mercury. i had and have all the answers. the murder was dumped by the fed gov . in the fl panhandle in 1997. it has contamated the drinking water of FL. YES all of it. i have put yp with a lot of hell over the years for y efford. and now after driving in the stste of FL for 54 yr .there out to refuse me a DL. only the last step of the price i have payed. (because did not help me ) but so many payed the price of there life with a slow death. did you even look into what i sent you ?? ( ) what is there i have been puting on there for a few deackaids .like the report’s to the EPA
I wrote to Sharyl many times too for help. I was targeted by Obama as well — he destroyed my family, had CIA doctors put massive nonconsensual tech in me including brain chips to be used and tortured in Darpa brain initiative. This was done for revenge. He also chipped my child. I am tortured every day and am
being pushed to suicide. What that administration did is evil but the entire Congress and DOD and FBI and DOJ are part of these crimes against humanity. There are no reporters left. Even Sharyl will not touch this subject. The US has a hidden holocaust and everyone is profiting off the torture of targeted individuals.
I am so sick of the thorough corruption in our government that I even hope that if we have another war and it’s with Russia, I hope we lose. Our government has interfered in so many countries around the world……..
Just when this seemed to finally get some traction. What’s next and what can we do to help?
There are far more worse victims of Obama than Sharyl. Please help them! Targeted individuals.
I’m not sure you were expecting this, we can’t find any documents, so that’s it. Imho there are many government agencies that need cleansing. Using my softest aggressive words it sucks. But I did verbally say others. ;)
FOIA needs to change. FOIA lawyers have to write broad requests which become nearly impossible to comply with when something more simple could be requested.
For example:
George Demetrios Papadopoulos was given $10,000 while overseas and upon entering the United States was arrested and searched for the $10,000. One on the most clumbsy sting operations of all time or a governmental intimidation operation.
FOIA – “Does the Justice Department have a code name in association with the investigation of: George Demetrios Papadopoulos?”
“I request the Justice Department search for correspondence with such code name and or George Demetrios Papadopoulos or any part of his name.”
“Can the Justice Department determine who authorized $10,000 be given to George Demetrios Papadopoulos?”
KISS… Half the battle is finding the right thread to pull and understanding there are ZERO negative ramifications for government employees not complying with this or many other laws.
A FBI lawyer changes a single word and Cater Page goes from a cooperating CIA asset to not working with the CIA and nothing much happens?
This is just one example that will echo for decades.
PS I do want to know who authorized giving George Demetrios Papadopoulos 10k. I believe that is a thread worth pulling.
Our recent el__tion was stolen from the people. 20__M_les exposes one such operation the by itself overturned the result. DOJ will not do anything or just stonewall as in your case. We the people are in the same boat as you.
If the surveillance was initiated under a Classified National Security Letter (NSL) one may never know…and the Government is not obligated to tell either.
The DoJ as much as said that’s exactly what they did in their lengthy ‘non-response’ that essentially cut and paste their policy.
I know that you are a dogged reporter/journalist, and they (those gov’t agents) will wait until hell freezes over before they own up to their wrongdoings. That is why I believe that you will wait them out. and get your day in court. Hang in there
The NSA has been following me since College about 40 years ago. Ask me about the other agencies I got up my ass.