Seventy-five percent (75%) of those polled this past week said that all US government entities including Congress, DOJ/FBI, the court system, the CDC and the news media are “most in need” of a “reform from top-to bottom.”
That’s according to our latest unscientific poll of 2,123 people at
The poll appears to reflect the current mood of distrust and dissatisfaction Americans have with government and media.
Fewer than one percent (1%) answered “none of the above.”
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Poll Question: Which is in most need of top-to-bottom reform?
3% Congress
< 1% Courts
7% News Media
1% CDC
< 1% None of the Above
75% All of the Above
The only problem with reform is that it has to happen from within & we all know that AIN’T EVER GONNA HAPPEN!
CONGRESS- term limits
PRESS – self? LOL
FBI/DOJ – part of Swamp
Don’t know the answer…hopefully not a bloody revolution but a peaceful one. I fear we have become a 3rd world ? nation. ???
We the people can reform congress through the Convention of States, Article 5 of the Constitution, for starters.
Yes, we need more public figures to get behind this. It’s the most peaceful choice for genuine reform. How do we get those currently running to get on board with this?
I’m hopeful they will- On the 12th of Never.
Sharyl, with all due respect (and I mean that sincerely), these ‘institutions’ do NOT require reform, they need to be sent to the “Extraconstitutional Landfill of History.” PLEASE read the numerous definitive sources on this, AND interview their respective authors. For instance, Philip Hamburger’s “Purchasing Submission.,” et. al. …and feel free to contact me. Best,
As one comment notes: Reform?…according to whom? The WHO?…WEF? …Reform becomes “Recalibrating Free Speech” which was addressed in Davos two weeks ago. I don’t fault any mainstream journalist for avoiding the 500 lb gorilla: The US Corp is defunct. The conspiracy “realists” know damn well that the charade playing out on TV and Smartphone screens is just theatre. What is verboten apparently is any in-depth reporting on who or what agency is actually running the Federal Govt at present. Is it a continuity-of-govt thang[DOD]; or is it a hybrid of some sort? As for the MEDIA Matrix, removing Langley from the equation would require some type of “organized” action on the scale of 007 and Rambo! God bless this nation.