The following is from Rasmussen Reports
Even though more voters identify as pro-choice than pro-life, full[y] half of them approve of the recent Supreme Court ruling that overturned the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 50% of Likely U.S. voters approve of the Supreme Court abortion ruling, including 38% who Strongly Approve of the decision, which means that each state can now determine its own laws regarding abortion.
Forty-five percent (45%) disapprove of the Supreme Court’s new ruling, including 38% who Strongly Disapprove.
(To see survey question wording, click here.)
Nothing Better then a Giggling Fresh powdered smelling Baby ??? ” How you doing Jennifer C. @ 22 ? . .
Great. Millions of new poor blacks being born. Pro lifers need their paychecks garnished to pay for this mess. Not me!
Most things should be left to the states and reduce the role of the federal government.
Of course, it’s just like the European Commission should not be allowed to set abortion policy for EU member states. I don’t think anyone would dare suggest such overreach.
And in the U.S. it’s the same language and mostly the same culture in the states, so people can move to a state with the policies they prefer, much easier than Europeans can move between countries.
I also suspect that people realize they can just travel to another state for an abortion, then go back again. So hopefully this won’t be something the Democrats can run on in the midterms, although they’ll try. By then people should realize that things will be the way they are, and that they can live with it.
Sharyl when are you going to investigate murder of molly Macauley. Uncovered election fraud satellites in2016.two weeks later Seth rich uncovered fraud also. Was murdered. Washington DC. And baltimore
Praising Jesus Christ
The best we can expect is to remove the issue from federal jurisdiction to the various state and local government where it belongs.