A majority of likely US voters say they have a favorable opinion of the US Constitution. However, most Democrats say our national charter is tainted by racism and sexism.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
Its survey finds that 82% say they have a favorable opinion of the Constitution, including 58% who have a “very favorable” view of the document, which was ratified in 1789.
Fourteen percent (14%) view the Constitution unfavorably.
Majorities of every political category – 89% of Republicans, 74% of Democrats and 80% of independents – have at least a somewhat favorable opinion of the Constitution.
More Republicans (76%) than Democrats (42%) or Independents (56%) have a “very favorable” view of the Constitution.
Despite Democrats’ mostly-favorable opinion of the Constitution; 57% agreed that the Constitution “is a document rooted in racism,” and 64% said they believe the Constitution ”is a sexist document that gives men advantages over women.”
Almost half (49%) of Democrats believe the Constitution “should be mostly or completely rewritten.”
The rest of the electorate overwhelmingly rejects all such statements.
Chris Talgo, Senior Editor atHeartland Institute, which co-sponsored the survey, remarked on the “cognitive dissonance” among some voter groups who “overwhelmingly have favorable opinions in general about the Constitution” while simultaneously saying it is rooted in racism and sexism.
As Americans, we are fortunate to live in a land where the Constitution ensures the government cannot infringe upon our basic liberties.
Chris Talgo, Heartland Institute Senior Editor
To see survey question wording, click here.

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More like, “Junked entirely.”
That’s because many folks have grown getting whatever they want.
Their parents never explained to them that just because you don’t like something you get to change the rules. Also, none of them can ever state a better place to live than the USA.
The Constitution is our only protection against Democrats who are antiAmerican.
no way. lets enforce the one we have and then we can talk about changes.