Three Incredible Acts of Journalism (Podcast)

The amazing original and investigative news stories that have won this year’s Sharyl Attkisson ION Awards for Original and Investigative News reporting! They include off-narrative, fair, accurate reporting on 2020 election issues, the bailing out of repeat offenders, and Pfizer’s ‘problematic’ Covid-19 vaccine studies.

Listen to listen here.

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2 thoughts on “Three Incredible Acts of Journalism (Podcast)”

  1. I think the World in Journalism as a whole should wisen up and build new kinds of Nuclear energy plants ( using smaller fewer nuclear fuel rods to convert that thermos energy to greater Hydraulic energy turning several electric turbines ) to combat climate change. And also using some of that energy to convert salt water to fresh drinking water.= Reverse Osmoses . Instead of the whole World complaining about it in Journalism ? If E.U.. don’t like the old Nuclear energy plants of the past engineer New safer ones using this idea instead of complaining about it for another hundred years thus E=( X) n,C,r.) Reverse osmosis can be made cheaper by engineering some 82I gear ratio sun gears and adding a extra shafts and extra electric turbine to the Works ? The summit of knowledge is only bound by the energy used to create it !_Wm.Andrews

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