As America’s illegal immigration border crisis worsens, most voters say that President Biden’s handling of the issue is problematic.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports. It finds that 54% of likely US voters says they think illegal immigration is getting worse.
Only 12% say they believe the illegal immigration problem is getting better, while 30% say it’s staying about the same.
Less than a third (29%) of voters give Biden a “good” or “excellent” rating for his handling of issues related to immigration, while 50% rate Biden as doing a “poor” job on immigration. The poor rating is a finding unchanged from April.
Seventy-three percent (73%) say they think the issue of immigration will be important in this year’s Congressional elections, including 55% who say they expect the issue to be “very important.”
Twenty-four percent (24%) say they don’t think immigration will be an important factor in November.
To see survey question wording, click here.
Poor marks is a gross understatement. This issue has been kicked down the road so many times by so many administrations, it won’t get fixed until there is some kind of catastrophic event or officials get fired for not fixing it. It’s one of the main reasons I voted for President Trump. Government leaders, please fix something or get out.