Top House Republicans have launched an investigation into whether the Department of Education allowed schools to use federal Covid-19 relief funds to try and push critical race theory (CRT) on kids.
Critical Race Theory has been criticized for promoting racist ideas, such as all white people are victimizers and all black people are victims.
The probe is looking to determine if states, including New York, California and Illinois used federal pandemic funds on ‘radical curricula to indoctrinate America’s students.’
The lead Republican on the House Oversight Committee, James Comer (R-Kentucky); and the top Republican on the House Education Committee, Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) are leading the investigation.
The Republican lawmakers have sent letters to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona, Inspector General Sandra Bruce, and top education officials in New York, Illinois, and California.
Committees on Oversight and Reform and Education and Labor Republicans are investigating the use of Covid-19 relief dollars appropriated for virus mitigation and the safe reopening of schools. Based on recent reports, the Department of Education is allowing Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES) and related Covid relief funds to pay for racially biased and other progressive leftist programs. Specifically, Congress created the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) fund to enable schools to safely reopen and address learning loss caused by the Covid-19 pandemic. Those taxpayer dollars, however, are being used to indoctrinate children in core tenets of leftist ideology.
Reps. James Comer (R-Kentucky), Virginia Foxx (R-North Carolina) and other Republican committee members
Recently, Congressional Democrats pushed through more than $120 billion in new Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief or ESSER funding.
Congress previously set aside $13.2 billion in the CARES Act and $54.3 billion in the Coronavirus Response and Relief Supplemental Appropriations Act for the ESSER Fund.
Reports indicate that billions of allocated taxpayer dollars are now being used by State Democrat leaders to push biased or radical, left-leaning ideologies in public schools rather than to fix the significant academic gaps that were exacerbated by pandemic school closures.
The letter sites the following examples of the misappropriated funding:
- New York used part of the $9 billion it received to provide staff development on ‘culturally responsive sustaining instruction’ and ‘privilege,’ and to recognize ‘equity warriors’
- Illinois received $5.1 billion, which it partially used to emphasize ‘equity and diversity’ and make ‘equity driven investments’
- At least ten other state plans included proposals to use the ESSER funds to implement racially biased curriculum and programs based on Critical Race Theory.
The letters can be read at the links provided below:
Education Secretary Cardona
Education Inspector General Bruce
Illinois State Board of Education Superintendent
New York State Department of Education Commissioner
California Department of Education Superintendent

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Despite the deficit’s and inflation from many Wars since 9-11 and Now from Bad CEO celebrity lobbyist Vladimir Putin jacking up inflation and on everything . The United States needs to invoke New World economics executive orders to curb inflations and deficits from all above.. So what you need to do is impose regulated lower prices on energy and Food prices.. ” Tell us more ? Example; You price regulate lower Gas prices in World in most countries to $ 3.50 Dollars and 50 cents a Gallon= 2..50 cents a New Regulated Gallon goes to oil companies, the other 1.00 dollar a Gallon goes to each countries deficit.. The current Economic Road your on with all the Worlds past deficits Wars and Virus damages is a economic dead end road in World economics, that is .unless your a Energy company or Drug or Food company using the Worlds economic past damages as a winning lottery ticket to further jack up prices.. You need to reset the World’s economies by price regulating energy and food prices.. Other wise we all are in trouble from all the World’s bad leaders and Middle eastern extremist people that caused it all ? ‘ We got to pay back the Bad people that caused all this and start rigging the Carnival of economic life in another direction in resetting economic damages your 3 year old Grand kids future are counting on you ?
DEI is code for CRT and yes, ESSR funds are used for DEI
I am not a “top” republican. I’m a grandmother with four grandchildren in the grades of 4th, 3rd, 2nd and Kindergarten in California. When I read that funds from the American Rescue Plan were being used to institute CRT in schools my initial thought was “that can’t be true, those funds are for covid issues.” I dug deeper, following the trail of money. The two school districts are researched are the ones my grandchildren attend. The federal government is throwing money at school districts who implement “SEL” classes and after school programs. SEL is “social and emotional learning..” Academic organizations that offer these packaged programs, assist the districts in obtaining the funding so the district can turn around and pay them. The curriculum descriptions are a word salad that requires multiple read throughs to decipher. Much of it is positive, such as anti-bullying but then it advances to achieving “equity” and teaching “social justice” and “activism”. School districts are not going to turn down millions of dollars.