Despite trillions of dollars in federal spending to help the homeless over the years, most Americans say they believe the problem has gotten worse.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
The national survey finds that 92% of American adults believe homelessness is a serious problem in America, including 65% who say the problem is “very serious.”
Six percent (6%) say they don’t think the homeless problem is serious.
Perception of the problem has increased since February 2021 when 55% said the homeless problem was “very serious.”
In August, the federal department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) announced $2.8 billion in funding to homeless services organizations.
Twenty-eight percent (28%) of Americans say they believe homelessness should be primarily a federal responsibility. Local and state governments have spent billions of dollars in the last couple of years addressing their homeless problems.
Forty percent (40%) say they think handling homelessness should be a state responsibility, and 16% say homelessness should be a local responsibility.
Another 16% say they are not sure.
To see survey question wording, click here.
The real question… is money being spent to eliminate homelessness or encourage more of it?