More than half of voters say they think a Republican victory in the Midterms will probably mean impeachment for President Joe Biden.
That’s according toRasmussen Reports.
The survey find 54% of likely US voters say they believe that, if Republicans win control of Congress, it’s likely they will impeach Biden. That includes 22% who say it’s “very likely.”
Thirty-two percent (32%) say they don’t think it’s likely a GOP-controlled Congress will impeach Biden. That includes 12% who say it is “not at all likely.”
Another 13% say they are not sure.
Nearly half (49%) of voters say they think it is likely that since he became president, Biden has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” that would justify impeachment proceedings against him. That includes 31% who say it’s “very likely” he committed impeachable offenses.
Forty-two percent (42%) say it’s not likely Biden has committed “high crimes and misdemeanors” as president, including 28% who believe it is “not at all likely.”
To see survey question wording, click here.

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Maybe a lot of rhinos will still be there.
Legitimate reasons for Investigation include:
Hunter Laptop revelations of Illegal payoffs to Joe Biden.
Illegal Political favors while in office.
Legitimate reasons for Impeachment:
Failure to protect America Open Border Policy
Illegal Legislation Signed as President oversteps his power.
I think the failure to protect our borders and actually ENCOURAGE an invasion is treasonous and deserves impeachment.
Plenty to impeach him for, but the fallout is that we’ll get Cackles in his place, unless we also impeach her.
Then we get Pelosi.? It’s a no-win situation.
If republicans win the House (the entity that begins the impeachment process) Pelosi is no longer 3rd in line to the presidency. 3rd in line would be the new Speaker of the House
Biden deserves to be impeached and convicted by the Senate. Unfortunately he will only be impeached. There are still enough Senate democrats to ensure he is not convicted, along with a couple RINOs.
Myorkas and Garland will also be impeached. Here we may have Myorkas convicted. Garland may get 60 Senators but not the 67 required to convict.
Unless it’s a slam dunk, it’s a waste of time. Concentrate on fixing the border, inflation and crime, vetting judicial appointments, and challenges to unlawful executive actions. Leaving JB there creates the best case for replacing him in 2 years. If Republicans waste the next two years not getting anything done, voters won’t support them in 24.
I think it would be useless to try. He’s not running the country anyway. Stay focused on putting through quality legislation and let his administration either blow up their chances of winning in ’24 by vetoing everything or move to the center like Clinton did.
A lot more real evidence to impeach Biden then there was ever against Trump. The China connection must be exposed.