New examples showing how media has created an artificial reality and how Elon Musk at Twitter could change it. Also, Hispanic voter influence on the Midterms.
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The Near Death of CNN, MSNBC, Rachel Maddow and many more is Proof America is DONE with Far Left Censorship, Lockdowns, and Oppression!
Nov 8th 2022 America will send a message to Political Leaders.
Great job! Like Hannity (you’re better at it) your manner, style, and content can, and I think will, impress independents and moderates to THINK. I believe you speed up the evolutionary process from youthful idealistic leftism, to reality-based positive-thinking conservatism.
Though these comments sound generic, I am reacting this way after listening to your podcast in its entirety. I’m hoping to clip out parts to give to people who are too busy to assess correctly the MSM landscape/agenda – you express the salient points extremely well, in KISS terms.
Oh… and if someone is reading this and hasn’t listened to this podcast, it’s a gem, even the interview at the end!