Despite President Joe Biden’s claims about “building the economy of the future,” most voters remain concerned about the economy, and don’t have much confidence in Biden’s handling of the issue.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
The survey finds that 86% of likely voters are concerned about the economy, including 60% who say they are “very concerned.”
13% say are not concerned about the economy.
Economic concerns have actually increased since August.
Sixty-one percent (61%) say they believe that over the past year, the US economy has gotten worse, compared to just 18% who say they think it’s gotten better.
Seventeen percent (17%) say the economy has stayed about the same over the past year.
During an event in Phoenix last week, Biden declared that his administration’s “approach to building the economy of the future is from the bottom up and the middle out, and it’s working.”
However, just 36% of voters rate Biden “good” or “excellent” on his handling of the economy, while 47% give him a poor rating on the issue.
These findings are nearly unchanged since August.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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