A majority of voters say they do not think it’s likely that the new Congress will do much to fix America’s problems; nor do they think that Congress members care about voter concerns.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
Fifty-seven percent (57%) say they don’t believe Congress will address the nation’s most important problems, including 57% who say it’s “not at all likely.”
The survey finds that 40% of likely US voters say it’s likely Congress will seriously address the most important problems facing our nation, including 13% who think it’s “very likely.”
Last February, just 30% expected Congress would address America’s most important problems.
Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters say they believe most members of Congress don’t care what their constituents think, and only 22% say they think most Congress members do care what their constituents think.
Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.
These findings have changed little since June 2021.
To see survey question wording, click here.
Because they prove time & time again that they don’t listen to us. If they listened to “the people” McCarthy would have never been speaker! The omnibus Bill wld have never passed. Wall wld be finished at the border. No mandates wld have been imposed! They don’t give a crap about the Citizens! Only world domination or $ in their pockets! It’s obvious!
This Article Let’s Find out ?.. I Got a Tip ?.. If I was them I’d Check out Big Drug dealers and other Extremist are Using Short Wave Radio to Conduct there Extremism in Secret, Go monitor them every 5 minutes of the Day in other countries instead of American’s ? I Wondered for Years if the Internet is conducted around the World for past decades and the FCC Don’t hold others responsible for there actions ? Why then for years do they Still do this actions for Short Wave Radio signals users ??? Can anybody figure out the Answer of why this is = The ( X ) Files. ~ Short Wave Signal Decoding. Part of My Discoveries Since the late 90’s New Binary Coding Bilnary ( C ) copyright U.S.A. = New O.S. Splitting information instead of stacking information New Idea’s -> other concepts using same copyrights expressions.= New Short Wave O.S. Desktop Internet Idea Converting splitting Binary short wave signal coding..Wm. Andrews Rochester, IN. Discoveries made first in History and copyrighted later Bilnary ( C ). Right Here at “Area 15 Indiana ” Where a New generation with a New explanations in un-squared Time / Energy / Mass Equivlances happened . ” The Summit of knowledge is only bound by the energy used to create it ! _ Wm. Andrews since the 80’s..New Science is Kinda Naughty and Sexy , New Discoveries in the 21 Century E= ( X ) n,C,r.), Authors footnote; While this info may be New to most it’s a old discovered idea proved years ago then copyrighted right here in U.S.A. by me I kept secret for years = ” Smarty Pant’s Dance !
For years we got questionaires asking our opinions. We saw many people campaign for office and win and then forget all they promised to do. I came to the conclusion that we only get asked the questions so they can gauge how well their propaganda is working.
Hmmm….I never thought of that. Good point, Ruth!
This article and My previous post on New Shortwave internet communications FYI. DO not use my copyrights to actually do this ideas I discovered and copyrighted. It’s doubdtfull the FCC and Gov. would ever allow this activities because you would be your own World Wide All in one, New streaming internet service + Your own broadcasting Tv channels + your own World wide internet provider + World wide Unlimited Talk and Text eliminating the need for all others . It would put all others out of Business around the World ..All in one economic disasters for others in the communications business..You have to wait till my copyrights run out 80 years after I die by U.S. copyrights laws ! ” From the inner Mind to the outer limits ???