(POLL) 96% say Trump would still be President if 2020 had been fair and fraud-free

Ninety-six percent (96%) of those polled say Trump would still be president today if “any fraud or unfairness had been removed from 2020 election.”

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 2,028 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Three percent (3%) stated that Biden would still be in office, even if any fraud and unfairness had been eliminated; while 1% said the Oval Office would be occupied by “someone else.”

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

If any fraud or unfairness had been removed from the 2020 election then _________ would be President.

96% Trump

3% Biden

1% Somebody Else

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19 thoughts on “(POLL) 96% say Trump would still be President if 2020 had been fair and fraud-free”

  1. Please explain what happened to our checks and balances to keep America safe. Why has our system not worked. Why are our elections still not protected. Why are we not protecting our boarders, why are we still operating with an illegal President and his crime family. What happened to charges of TREASON. IT IS NO WONDER WE NO LONGER TRUST OUR GOVERNMENT. BECAUSE IT IS NOT OURS.

  2. I would love to hear from that 1% as to how ‘somebody else’ would be POTUS!
    Are they thinking someone like Bernie Sanders would have won the democrat primary and there are enough Socialist voters in the USA? If so we should all be very concerned!

  3. The narrative must be maintained and promoted at all costs! We live in a Free country-where Free Speech is upheld with utmost vigilance. The DOJ is the most trustworthy governmental agency on planet Earth. The MEDIA never lies. Hunter’s laptop is a creation of Russian intelligence and the GOP. Oswald shot JFK and it doesn’t really matter whether he had worked for the CIA or not. Bill Gates is the second coming of Moses. GMO’s are perfectly safe and GMO’d humans are superior to homo sapiens.
    War is Peace. Slavery is Freedom…and John Carpenter’s movie[They Live] just about says it all.

  4. Twitter is a company. Has the right to censor obvious lies. Trump wanted to cancel nbc broadcast license. You’re just another right wing clown.

    1. You are either not paying attention or have your head in the sand. The federal government used significant pressure on big tech to stifle information that went against the democrat party line. By extension, this is a violation of the first amendment. Imagine this were flipped and tell me you would think this is fair?

  5. Just the illegal votes alone, as determined by state courts and state supreme courts, suggest a different outcome. Don’t get caught in the trap of voter fraud. County clerks violated the law in the swing states – that was not fraud, it was the illegal usurpation of state law as enacted by the duly elected representatives. Clerks don’t have that authority.

    1. You are right. Stay out of the weeds. But math is a friend at 30,000 feet.
      there were 9 swing states. All 7 counting “problem’ (went dark) states were swing states. I did the probability math for that to be ‘natural’ i.e. 9/50 x 8/49 x 7/48 etc. and arrived at 0.000036%.
      I think if I did a DNA test with my child there would be greater odds we were NOT related. If it were a paternity case the judge would treat it as absolute proof.

      As a footnote: Trump was 2 – 0 in the swing states with no problems.

  6. What can you tell us about the constitution of the poll in terms of how the people polled were determined. Considering how polls can be biased, how was this one conducted? How fair was it?

  7. trump NEEDS money! Grifters unite! Listen to Sharyl Attkinson! The #lyingXpresident will be indicted. America knows the truth, but Sharyl (and Fox) need a job.

  8. No doubt in my mind President Trump would still be President if the FRAUD & ILLEGAL activities were exposed!!!

  9. According to Donald Trumps own Attorney General and Mich Mcconnell as well as Mike Pence they Checked the Election out and said it all went down as a fair elections, no Rigging went on..And I don’t see the Trump Attorney’s Suing these mentioned Republicans for defamation of character and or lying to cover up voter supressions Crimes and or voting right crimes ?? (( Bermuda Triangle missing Votes lost and missing in the Twilight Zones ? ))

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