Donald Trump is one of the most important political figures of the day and, arguably, the most important Republican in national politics. But many in the media have taken the historic step of censoring him. For that reason, one of our goals is to publish information about Trump that is otherwise difficult-to-find.
Recently, it was shockingly revealed that Twitter colluded with the FBI and other law enforcement agencies to Rig and Steal the 2020 Presidential Election in favor of Joe Biden, and to deplatform and illegally censor me. As a key example of the corruption within the FBI, Special Agent Charles McGonigal, the head of the now fully “debunked” Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, has recently been arrested for being “paid off” by receiving large amounts of money from, get this, Russia. The Russia Witch Hunt was extremely detrimental to the Trump Campaign’s effort to win the 2020 Presidential Election.
I have been newly reinstated on Twitter and various other social media platforms, and my Tweets, which were taken down by Big Tech censorship, and thus seen by very few, have just been made public. My clear and unequivocal statements on January 6, 2021, which I conveyed to my over 100 million followers, are no longer under “wraps.” The highly partisan January 6th Committee did not want these messages to be part of the Historical and Legal Record, but they have now been fully restored—a
sad shock to what I call the Unselect Committee of Political Hacks and Thugs.
The two exonerating Tweets, and the Rose Garden Video, which were posted in the early afternoon of January 6, 2021, and attempted to be hidden by the Unselect January 6th Committee, clearly and unquestionably state my desire that all protestors be peaceful and follow the Law.
They are:
These messages are consistent with a major theme of my Speech on the Ellipse in front of perhaps the largest crowd (seldom mentioned—only a “tiny” percentage went to the Capitol Building) I have ever spoken before, that the attendees were there to “PEACEFULLY AND PATRIOTICALLY MAKE [THEIR] VOICES HEARD.” It is doubtful that
any President has ever been so clear or concise about wanting peace and harmony, and certainly not conflict. My Speech, Statements, and Tweets are absolute proof that I acted legally and appropriately in addition to the fact that, as President, I have Complete and Total Immunity.
These Tweets were concealed from the public’s view for almost two years, because the former executives of Twitter followed the wishes of Joe Biden and the FBI in censoring me, and cancelling my account. Now that these new Statements on Twitter and Facebook have emerged, having a widespread and very positive impact on me, it is paramount for all examining the events of January 6, 2021, to be aware of this new and irrefutable information, as nothing can be more obvious as to its meaning— a meaning that was withdrawn from the public by Twitter’s censorship and the January 6th Unselect Committee’s lack of effort to find them. Nevertheless, these vital and determinative Statements have now been made available, again, for all to see.
Moreover, I posted on Facebook parallel messages clearly calling on all of my loyal followers to remain peaceful, but these statements were also censored shortly thereafter, when I was wrongfully suspended on that
Platform. These two key Posts on Facebook have been kept from public view for almost two years, and have only been recovered and made available through reinstatement of my Facebook account. The terribly biased January 6th Committee ignored this key part of the Legal and Historical Record, because the partisan members of that Committee did not want to acknowledge the fact that such Statements totally and completely exonerate “President Donald J. Trump.”
They are:
Likewise, the ridiculous and dangerous remarks made by a woman named Cassidy Hutchinson have been fully refuted by the U.S. Secret Service.
In addition, prior to January 6th, I strongly recommended that 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops be used to secure Washington D.C. and the Capitol because, from everything I had heard and was being reported, a very large crowd was expected. Even if only 500 troops had been used, violence would have been completely avoided. Instead, in an act of arrogance, Nancy Pelosi and D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser, who are in charge of Capitol Security, rejected the calls for the presence of the National Guard to maintain order, because they “didn’t like the look.” This information is laid out in detail and corroborated in the Report by the Department of Defense’s Inspector General,1 and in a definitive account authored by then Acting Secretary of Defense, Chris Miller.2 Secretary Miller writes: “On January 3, I met with President Trump in the Oval Office to discuss international threats unrelated to anything happening on the home front. At the end of our meeting, he asked about preparations for January 6.
1 See “Review of the DoD’s Role, Responsibilities, and Actions to Prepare for and Respond to the Protest and Its Aftermath at the U.S. Capitol Campus on January 6, 2021,” available at 1/-1/1/DODIG-2022-039%20V2%20508.PDF
2 Soldier Secretary – Warnings from the Battlefield & the Pentagon about America’s Most Dangerous Enemies, Hon. Christopher C. Miller with Ted Royer, Center Street, Hatchette Book Group, Review Copy (2023) at 213-214.
Specifically, he wanted to know if there had been any requests for National Guard support, and I informed him of Mayor Bowser’s request. ‘You’re going to need 10,000 people,’ President Trump said bluntly.”3 Sec. Miller goes on to share the following, deeply troubling, anecdote: “I pressed DC officials about the number of cops that would be on duty on January 6 and their disposition. Our entreaties were met with a borderline condescending lecture by the DC Metropolitan Police official on the call that the planned force of 8,000 to 10,000 law enforcement officers were capable of handling up to a million demonstrators.”4 Capitol Police Union President Gus Papathanasiou blamed January 6th on a “disastrous collapse of leadership” that was “months and years in the making,” 5 later adding, “Our officers did their jobs. Our leadership did not.”6 Scared of being exposed, Nancy Pelosi blocked Papathanasiou’s testimony in front of Congress. Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund, who resigned shortly after January 6, 2021, “testified that [Nancy Pelosi’s then Sergeant at Arms] Irving said ‘optics’
3 Id. at 213
4 Id. at 215
5 See 6 See “Capitol Police Chief Quits After Pelosi Demanded He Be Fired for
MAGA Riot, available at chief-should-go-over-maga-riot-breach
were the reason for not sending in the National Guard.”7 Pelosi and Bowser are to blame. On January 5, 2021, Mayor Bowser even sent an official letter to Army Secretary Ryan D. McCarthy, which erroneously stated that, “the Metropolitan Police Department [MPD] is prepared for this week’s First Amendment activities…THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA IS NOT REQUESTING OTHER FEDERAL LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL AND DISCOURAGES ANY ADDITIONAL DEPLOYMENT without immediate notification to and consultation with MPD if such plans are underway.”8 As it turned out, Pelosi and Bowser could not have been more wrong, and their leadership failures allowed for violence that could have been avoided if my request had been followed. In fact, once the belated calls for National Guard support finally came, the National Guard successfully deployed in 2 hours and 20 minutes—which may be the fastest such deployment in United States history9—and only because they were ready based on my previous recommendation. I assumed having
7 See “Report of Investigation: Security Failures at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021,” available at
8 Id. at 216, emphasis added. 9 Id. at 221.
additional and very powerful security was a “no brainer,” but Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser disagreed with me, AND DID NOT WANT IT.
I also recorded a Video message on January 6th, in which I strongly stated, “We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt.” Again and again, I urged everyone “to go home now,” “go home,” “go home and go home in peace.”10 This Video was wrongfully and illegally doctored and misrepresented by the Unselect Committee. They did not want to show the full Video because it, again, clearly proves that I called for peace, calm, and unity. It showed that I love our Country, and demand its protection!
My Statements encouraging peace and patriotism stand in stark contrast with other officials who have consistently and irresponsibly called for violence and extremism.11 For example, Maxine Waters encouraged her
10 See “President Trump Video Statement on Capitol Protesters,” CSPAN, available at election-stolen-tells-protesters-leave-capitol
11 See Tom, “Inciting Rhetoric from Democrats,” YOUTUBE, available at and Caldron Pool, “How did you think it would end? Democrats and Progressives Inciting Violence.” YOUTUBE, available at for a representative compilation of incendiary remarks from other political and governmental officials that has been ignored by the media and the legal system.
supporters to “get more confrontational,” and Chuck Schumer threatened, “I want to tell you Gorsuch, I want to tell you Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” The referenced videos show many other incendiary remarks, which preceded recent extraordinary violence. Yet, despite those horrible and hate filled words and violence, there has never been any effort to hold these politicians responsible or accountable for their wrongful statements, despite the death and destruction caused.
On the other hand, throughout my Speech on January 6th, I made clear to the Military and Law Enforcement, “we want to thank you, the Police, [and] Law Enforcement.” I talked about the Movement’s “extraordinary love,” filled with people who “built this Nation,” “not the people that tore down our Nation.” I urged all to “cheer on our brave Senators and Congressmen and women,” and “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”
These quotes do, again, fully exonerate me, and should put an end to the National nightmare of weaponized, targeted, and dangerous Witch Hunts and Hoaxes against a certain political Party, and me.

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When are the republicans going to stand up for justice and truth? There are so many traitors that allowed this Biden regime to be put in. No one has stood up for Trump. Trump is our true president. The election was stolen. Now until some honest, true Republicans stand up for our country, we are seeing the destruction of our country. Biden does not love America. I pray God will have mercy on us and help us through this destruction of our country. This current regime has to come to justice. Where are the people of truth , honor, and integrity who are suppose to be helping Americans???? The House and Senate are not doing their job for the people.
We hope and pray that they are behind the scenes, in the real military, anywhere WE can make a difference and Take Back America.
Lord have mercy upon US, and upon all.
Libtards are evil scum. They take everything and try to make it into something it’s not so to divide Americans and cause fighting btwn those groups. They use their white racism to stir the pot. Keep people fighting each other instead of fighting the true evil in America; the libtard Demonrats. Vote for real Americans, conservatives.
The truth always prevails. (Hopefully before it’s too late)
Why do none of the images download?
I have the same question. Can’t see any of the images.
Right. I can’t get any of them to download either. My guess – censored by the browser….
I watched President Trumps speech on 1/6/21 on TV and he constantly called for peace and order and respect for law enforcement. The fault, as usual, lays with the left. I still believe this was planned and orchestrated by the left and the deep state mafia. Beyond disgusting. God will have the final word.