From Wen Ho Lee in 1999 to Xiaoxing Xi in today’s time, the FBI has for decades been wrongly accusing Chinese-American scientist of being spies.
This episode includes never-before-discussed background on the Wen Ho Lee story, which Attkisson broke on CBS News.
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As we are witnessing for the last couple years, many within the FBI and many in the DOJ are bullying US citizens. In the case of FBI agent Charles McGonigal we have the perfect example of screw up (think of a more crude phrase there), move up that is prevalent in government.
There is a secondary tragedy in the case of Wein Ho Lee in that the real perp remained at large to continue spying for the Chinese Communist Party and McGonigal was not punished but advanced in his career to the point he felt immune to any repercussions.
Now we have a citizenry that no longer have confidence in our law enforcement agencies. Respect once lost may never be recovered.
Jeff Lynn,
Study my 1993 report :
— Red China —
Chinese Tortoise Passes Russian Hare
Threaten Western Hegemony
The character, temperament, and intelligence of any homogeneous people are genetic-based and uniform, and mostly unaffected by influences outside natural evolution. You need only study China’s history to exactly predict her future; unlike the unpredictability of the Western mind with its inherent penchant to try this and that and radically alter its course; a mind at once trusting and fearful in its willingness to send advanced technology to an enemy.
Yes, China is an enemy of the United States.
The ancient and deep psychological character of China is feminine, collectivist, and inward-looking—until she wakes from her deep introversion. Communism suits her nature well (there is no word in Chinese dialects for “private.” The closest term for describing the idea means “loneliness”). Her experiment with capitalism is only means to an end: expansionism. Tibet is a “good” first step, then Hong Kong (which the West is handing to her), and then Taiwan and strategic interests across the Russian border.
China is a stretching Titan, rubbing the scales of slumber from her eyes before swallowing her neighbors. Russia might stop China when she marches, if it can momentarily abandon its Balkanization to meet the challenge.
Many pundits think that that’s an absurd evaluation, but when her massive war machine begins to march they’ll be apologizing for their naiveté.
China only toys with the West’s cultural proclivities; she’s not adopting Western values or its economic freedoms—only temporarily using them as means to strengthen her military. China is a communist nation; it won’t abandon what suits its people’s character and leadership quite well.
The domination of the emoting feminine mind over the rational masculine mind in the West explains why America’s leaders can’t see the coming end to the American Experiment—or China’s eventual, despotic influence on the world.
I pray my conclusions are wrong.
From my 1999 essay, “Why Wall Street Capitalists Hate Families and Nationhood” :
“Why would ‘American’ businessmen care whether you and your family are safe from Chinese nuclear rockets? They don’t, which is why American merchants McDonnell Douglas, Hughes Electronics and Loral Space and Communications betrayed their nation for profit, as Lenin predicted: ‘The capitalists of the whole world and their governments will close their eyes on the kinds of [grim and unscrupulous] activities I have described and will become blind as well as deaf-mutes. They will extend loans which will provide us with the equipment and technology we lack and will thus help rebuild our military industry, which we need to launch subsequent victorious attacks against our suppliers. In other words, the capitalist nations will always work to prepare their own suicide.’ ”
Update to my above essay,
RT-D of October 20, 2010,
Page A6,
Warning :
China halts shipping
key minerals to U.S.
which has been blocking
shipments of crucial minerals
to Japan for the past month,
now has halted shipments of
some of those same materials
to the United States and Eu-
rope, The New York Times
reported yesterday.
China mines 95 percent of
the world’s rare earth ele-
ments, which have broad
commercial and military ap-
plications and are vital to the
manufacture of diverse prod-
ucts including large wind tur-
bines and guided missiles.
[[ -some from many of my warnings
about Chinese-American spies
—even FBI gets it it right twice a
year. ]]
If there were enough HONEST politicians they would have long ago began cleaning up the top heavy FBI puppets!!!
Sharyl and Full Measure Team,
Let’s simplify the FBI’s
C O N C E R N S with
this ages-old warning :
Genes Rule !
Chinese SPIES wouldn’t be
here – to serve Red China – but
for Marxian/Traitor/Senator
Ted Kennedy’s E V I L Lies,
contained herein (( keep in
mind, AMERICA had been about
90% WHITE when his lie-based
PROMISES were told to dumb-
as-a-box-of-bent-nails C O N –
S E R V A T I V E S and public )) :
Senator Edward M. Kennedy (D-MA)
commenting on passage of his
(( of his Marxian Handlers’ )) Immigration
Act of 1965—His (broken) nation-
destroying P R O M I S E S :
“Out of deference to the critics, I want to comment on … what the bill
will not do. First, our cities will not be flooded with a million immigrants
annually. Under the proposed bill, the present level of immigration
remains substantially the same … Secondly, the ethnic mix of this country
will not be upset … Contrary to the charges in some quarters, S.500 will
not inundate America with immigrants from any one country or area, or
the most populated and economically deprived nations of Africa and Asia.
In the final analysis, the ethnic pattern of immigration under the proposed
measure is not expected to change as sharply as the critics seem to think.
Thirdly, the bill will not permit the entry of subversive persons, criminals,
illiterates, or those with contagious disease or serious mental illness. As I
noted a moment ago, no immigrant visa will be issued to a person who is
likely to become a public charge … the charges I have mentioned are
highly emotional, irrational, and with little foundation in fact. They are out
of line with the obligations of responsible citizenship. They breed hate of
our heritage.” (Senate Part 1, Book 1, pp. 1-3)
Frank Rizzo a real cops cop was taught a hard lesson in his faith in lie detector tests.