Former FBI Special Agent Nicole Parker recently testified to a House subcommittee that the FBI has become “politically weaponized, starting from the top in Washington.”
Sixty-four percent (64%) of voters say they agree with that statement, including 44% who “strongly agree” that the FBI has been politically weaponized.
Half of voters still have a favorable opinion of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.
The survey finds that 50% have a favorable impression of the FBI, including 22% who have a “very favorable” view of the bureau.
Forty-five percent (45%) now view the FBI unfavorably, including 24% who have a “very unfavorable” impression of the bureau.
These findings are nearly unchanged since October 2022.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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The FBI have DEVOLVED into America’s STASI POLICE. Worse than Communist East Germany in many respects.