Most people say they want their money back when it comes to taxpayer billions given to Ukraine by the Biden administration.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,164 people at
When asked “How much US tax money should Biden send to Ukraine,” 65% chose: “Can we get a refund?”
Twenty-five percent (25%) of those polled said the US should not send any more tax money to Ukraine, while six percent (6%) said the funds should be “limited for military only.”
During President Biden’s recent visit to Ukraine he pledged nearly a half a billion more dollars of US aid.
That is in addition to the the billions the US has already spent on Ukraine’s conflict with Russia.
Congress appropriated more than $112 billion dollars in 2022 alone.
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
How much US tax money should Biden send to Ukraine?
1% As much as they want
3% Only what is vital
6% Limited for military only
25% No more
65% Can we get a refund?

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When will you look onto death of molly macauley, who was murdered in 2016 for uncovering election fraud. So was seth rich. Both unsolved. Same neighborhood. Nothing stolen. Rod rosenstein knows. Fbi coverup.
Talk about a stupid poll. Well, all it shows is Americans remain ignorant about foreign policy and many in the poll don’t know anything about Ronald Maximus The Great.
First, the US & NATO stop a totalitarian bully from destroying people around the world, and now they simply don’t understand how so many sacrificed so much to stop that communist savagery but are fine with seeing Putin back to doing what he did as a KGB thug.
You might as well just ask your audience if they support doing the opposite of what Biden does. Then again, as President Trump noted correctly, it was Biden and his Obama handlers who opened the door to this global instability with the Afghanistan debacle and then followed with worse uttering it was ok for an “incursion” taking part of Ukraine. Biden is so demented he said out loud what his Obama handlers were saying behind closed doors. 45 is going to make the Russia Collusion Hoax look correct after years of insane abuse with this foolish caving posture to Putin. And Putin is counting on the West to cave and bail him out of the disastrous illegal invasion of Ukraine.
Wonder if the same person who issued this poll would now do one replacing Ukraine with Israel?
Well, why not?
Abolish the FED– and IRS tyranny. I realize that these topics are Taboo in the realm of “normie” political discussions–and yet, why is that? In consideration that the Fed Res Act of 1913 was hustled into law while congress was on vacation, and that Woodrow Wilson later said it was his greatest regret–we live with the tyranny imposed by what is now obvious: Taxation without Representation is a money laundering scheme of the deep state. Taxing the working person’s wages was never constitutional, and yet–Joe average dutifully pays his taxes because…? (crickets in background).