Most voters give the federal government low ratings for its response to last month’s train derailment in East Palestine, Ohio.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
The survey found that only 30% of likely U.S. voters rated the government’s response to the Ohio train derailment as “good” or “excellent.”
Forty-six percent gave the government a “poor” rating for handling the disaster.
After the February 3 derailment of a Norfolk Southern freight train released the toxic chemical vinyl chloride, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) said tests “showed no water quality concerns” in East Palestine.
However, only 23% of voters say that they would feel safe drinking the water if they lived near the site where the train derailed, including just nine percent (9%) who would feel “very safe” drinking the water there.
Seventy-one percent (71%) would not feel safe drinking the water near East Palestine, including 47% who said they’d feel “not at all safe.”
To see survey question wording, click here.

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Have not seen or heard of any involvement by either the Red Cross or Salvation Army—-Why?????\
Ed. Roob—Northbrook, IL
Because not only do they not want to drink the water, they’re afraid to breathe the air. What else could it be.?
Did every single one of them vote for Trump?
Does it really matter who they voted for? Both the feds and state are going to get millions from the rail company and the true victims will fend for themselves see Tabacco and opioids.