Trump: ‘Indictment is another witch hunt’

Donald Trump is one of the most important political figures of the day and, arguably, the most important Republican in national politics. But many in the media have taken the historic step of censoring him. For that reason, one of our goals is to publish information about Trump that is otherwise difficult-to-find.

The following is from Donald Trump:

We are living through the darkest chapter of American history.
The Radical Left – the enemy of the hard-working men and women of this country – have INDICTED me in a disgusting witch hunt.
Alvin Bragg, the Soros-funded District Attorney behind the indictment, relied on the testimony of a convicted felon and a disbarred lawyer. 
Never before in our Nation’s history has this been done. 
The Democrats have cheated countless times over the decades, but weaponizing our justice system to punish a political opponent who just so happens to be a President of the United States, has never happened before. Ever.
From the time I came down the golden escalator at Trump Tower and even before I was sworn in as your President of the United States, the Radical Left Democrats have been engaged in a witch hunt to destroy our movement.
Ever since I ran for president as a complete political outsider, the corrupt ruling class has tried to shut down our America First movement. 
The Deep State will use anything at their disposal to shut down the one political movement that puts YOU first.
But I promise you this: This Witch Hunt will BACKFIRE MASSIVELY on Joe Biden. 

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6 thoughts on “Trump: ‘Indictment is another witch hunt’”

  1. Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

    Name the CABAL dismantling the
    Founders’s/Framers’ experiment/

    My ( abbreviated ) letter to Dr. Naomi Wolf :

    — Snip —

    —Which CABAL, do you think, protects Bill and
    Hillary Clinton—both of which Marxian-minded
    and Satan-devoted LEFTISTS have had aquain-
    tenses D-I-E under very mysterious circumstances,
    and which 100+plus deaths, to date, amount to a
    one-in-one-trillion CHANCE of ever occurring—as
    calculated by a mathematics professor and statis-
    stition ?

    —Which CABAL, do you think, had used Moderna ( an
    Israeli company ! ) and Pfizer to pull off that Global
    Covid-19 Hoax (( “19” being a Satanic/Illuminati num-
    ber, employed to effect that Oklahoma City Bombing,
    to try and drive universal gun-confiscation )) ?

    —Which CABAL, do you think, works so hard at taking out
    popular President Donald Trump—as we learn, today, of
    his bogus indictment ( misdemeanor magically turned
    felony ); and as Leftists scream how Trump’s indictment
    proves : “Nobody is above the law !”—while that 8-times-
    felonious Hillary and Multi-Multi-Multi-felonious Biden
    – and son – go unchallenged, by our Dirty-Cops in-Justice
    Department ! ).

    — Snip —


  2. Informed citizens know what is going on.
    Problem is un-informed and low-information citizens watch abcnbccbspbsmsnbccnn, and they vote too .
    Our electoral system allows a handful of states to “control” the outcome of elections with their finger on the scale of the illegal votes.
    “Our” Supreme Court would not provide a hearing from over 14 states that challenged the votes in the handful of states that had their finger on the vote counts, stating the other states have “no standing” in a presidential election. Unbelievable!

    Until the citizens of those five states require a “true” vote, we are….

  3. Thomas Joseph Hussman

    Colorado can be described as a wonder of this world. It is almost magical with a beauty beyond compare. The Salida Colorado Police Department has some trouble, however. The USA Constitution exists today because of the tyranny of yesterday – Don’t forget the bloodshed that paid for the freedoms we are supposed to enjoy today. “THE MOST SACRED OF THE DUTIES OF A GOVERNMENT [is} TO DO EQUAL AND IMPARTIAL JUSTICE TO ALL CITIZENS.” Private property laws exist in this country, in part, to protect citizens from the ravages of police and government misconduct. The opposite of private property rights is government expropriation. Before a police officer steps one foot upon private property, she must ask herself if the intrusion is legal, or criminal. A failure at this point will result in unfavorable actions that police departments today don’t need. If you intend to enforce the law – you must understand the law first.


  5. Thomas Joseph Hussman

    The Police Department in the City of Salida, Colorado, is either conducting a series of “Witch Hunts” or it is flagrantly in violation of US Federal Law, or both. Get your act together Salida Police, or your favorability ratings will fall, as will your budget. Witches must follow the laws just like the rest of us.

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