The following is from Gallup News.
U.S. public opinion on four key aspects of global warming has changed little in the past year, maintaining the recent stability in these views.
When asked when the effects of global warming will begin to happen, six in 10 adults, in line with the rate each year since 2016, say they have already begun.
A similar percentage of Americans (62%) believe that increases in Earth’s temperature over the past century are due more to pollution from human activities than to natural changes in the environment.
Also consistent with recent years, just under half of Americans (46%) think global warming will pose a serious threat to their way of life in their own lifetime.
Meanwhile, the 39% who say they worry a great deal about global warming is down slightly, but not significantly, from 43% last year.
Aside from the 60% of Americans who think the effects of global warming have already begun, 3% think they will begin in a few years and 8% within their lifetime.
Another 17% say they will not happen in their lifetime but in the future, while just 12% say they will never happen.
Altogether, 61% worry a great deal or fair amount about global warming, while 18% worry only a little and 21% say not at all.
Read complete survey results here.
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If a scientist doesn’t bow to the science consensus narrative all grants are cut off and he gets fired. Grants and higher position are usually awarded to those who toe the line. And that’s not science!
There are so many lies in the world! It’s depressing to find that out.
It actually makes me laugh out loud. We are in one of the most dangerous times when two nuclear powers are in a power struggle where the use of nuclear weapons has been introduced. The peace negotiations were nixed to be replaced by the war-driven Military Industrial Complex goals of the United States. First, the well documented release of the Biden approved bombing of the Nordstream 2….which had DEVASTATING consequences for the environment. It was an Act of War. The damage of a nuclear war will resolve the issues of global warming a there little left of life of any sort once that has happened. Of course, 60% of America must be in some Zombie trance if they do not understand where all this is headed. Meanwhile, our taxes are sent overseas with little care about the life of AMERICANS! The lack of attention to the environmentally disastrous New Palestine train derailment and other derailments, the horrific impact the wind turbines are causing whales and other sea life….nothing …..crickets. 60% of Americans are fools
Few people actually question what they hear from the media/politicians. People hear what they want to hear. It’s not surprising politicians and the media use every scare tactic they can find to distract people from what is really going on.
Totally agree. And how could people really know the truth about climate change when the media (“social” and otherwise) and politicos squelch debate and opposing opinions. Xi is sitting back and laughing at us. We’re in such deep doo doo (a technical term).
Perfect! LOL at your “technical term”
“60% of Americans worry a great deal about global warming”
LOL — That is roughly the same percentage of Americans that believe in ghosts.
This statistic represents the triumph of propaganda over truth.
LOL! Further proof that the “masses” are controlled by the “mass formation” mainstream media monopoly on misinformation. Be afraid and run to the government for help. That is the message in this poll. Good God! Western culture is in its death throes.
If this is accurate it simply shows 1) how effective the disinformation campaign is, and 2) how utterly lazy American are when it comes to getting the truth on a subject even when it effects their livelihood. They prefer to be well fed slaves than participate in individual freedom and the responsibility that that freedom requires
Well, decades of brainwashing from propaganda have been very effective.
Personally, I am concerned more about the intense heat and residual toxins from the nukes that will fall on our heads if we do not begin with more intelligent and strategic foreign policy administration.
Then 60% of the people are ignorant.
Climate is warming because we’re at the end of the previous ice age. Climate change is caused by Milankovitch Cycles and is measured in million-year increments. You can see this at and realize that the width of the line is a million years. Yet, we only have 300 years worth of fossil fuel left, so technology will have to develop fusion energy beyond that.
The only “green” in “green energy” is the greenbacks going into politicians’ pockets and they use it as an excuse to oppress us. Look at what governments are doing nowadays– actively working AGAINST their people, especially ours.
Seriously, you censored this when I left this comment yesterday? On what grounds?
60% of the people are worried about climate change. 60% of the people are ignorant.
Climate is warming because we’re at the end of the previous ice age. Climate change is caused by Milankovitch Cycles and is measured in million-year increments. You can see this at and realize that the width of the line is a million years. Yet, we only have 300 years worth of fossil fuel left, so technology will have to develop fusion energy beyond that.
The only “green” in “green energy” is the greenbacks going into politicians’ pockets and they use it as an excuse to oppress us. Look at what governments are doing nowadays– actively working AGAINST their people, especially ours.
Does this mean that 60% worry about things they cannot change?
Do any of these folks have a solution that China and or India would accept to reduce that supposed human created pollution to improve the environment!
Folks might take a lesson from the George Carlin routine on ‘protecting the environment’. Humans have one purpose in life and that was to create plasitcs for the earth to absorb long after we are extinct (joke intended)!
Climate change has another name, wealth redistibution. Just ask Gore and Kerry!
Given the terrible track record of climate predictions, it seems foolish to believe the current ones are any more predictive and worthy of massive spending. It’s so evolving that they had to change the name from Global Warming or Global Cooling to Climate Change. That way regardless of which way the wind blows (no pun intended) it can’t be discredited.
There seems to be blurred lines between actual science and political science, particularly when those who question the preferred narrative are shouted down as deniers and the term “settled science” is used to stifle debate.
How about focusing on clean air, clean water, clean oceans, responsible extraction of minerals and energy, responsible disposal of waste material, recycling of resources. Those objectives are simple to explain, defend and I suspect would be easy to rally support for.