(POLL) 95% say medical system is worse than a few yrs ago

Almost everyone says the medical system is worse than it was a few years ago.

That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,455 people at SharylAttkisson.com.

Ninety-five percent (95%) say the medical system is “worse” or “much worse” than a few years ago.

About 4% say it’s the same.

Less than 2% say it’s better.

The promise of “Obamacare,” a giant health care reform law passed in 2010, was that better health care would be available to more people.

However, the opposite has proven to be the case, according to most people.

Prices have never been higher, and access to care is growing more limited, often with long waits to see physicians and get surgery, see specialists, or have medical treatments.

Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at SharylAttkisson.com. Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.

The medical system is ___ than a few years ago

<1% Much better

1% Better

4% The same

25% Worse

70% Much worse

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8 thoughts on “(POLL) 95% say medical system is worse than a few yrs ago”

  1. Clearly millions more now can actually have health care available to them when pre-Obama care they had no coverage. That would explain the longer waits. Premiums are clearly up, and inflation drives the rest of pricing up. So, what else is worse than the past over the past three administrations? Oh, and don’t forget, big pharma does all its advertising on the networks which are now too scared to report on the negatives of the industry that feeds them!

  2. Obamacare is Medicaid expansion, paid by high premiums to cover the cost. Although Obama promised that you can keep your plan if you like it, he was dishonest in not telling that to keep that plan, you will pay an arm and a leg.

    1. He said you can keep your doctor and got that wrong as well. But now over 50million more folks have coverage, and most are subsidized by the Fed so it works out.

  3. Health care is a commodity. It is not a right. Health care depends upon the services of another human beings, so it can never be a right. No one can demand someone else perform “health care” services on their own terms.

    You buy and sell “health care” according to willing seller meets willing buyer. Who pays and at what price is the real issue here. How you you measure value in the exchange of “health care” services.

    To meet the massive new Obamacare demand, the doctor-patient relationship was destroyed. Now services are farmed out to paraprofessionals, who measure metrics only but exercise no independent judgements. There is no continuum today to be called “health care”. Just temporary contacts with people neither of you would not even recognize on the street, if you did not see their name badge on their uniforms .

    The professionally trained physicians are now stretched beyond the breaking point to the point of sheer ineptitude, caused by a “health care” system not of their own making. We could see this all coming, but no one listened.

    You can’t have universal health care “as a right” until you define health care. No one even tried – they just called demands on doctor’s time and recommended tests and procedures “health care”.

    Actually, “health care” today is defined only as something a third party is willing to pay for.

  4. This Artidle ? People used the Virus to Weaponize with greed everything in past 5 years more so, = Future generations in States and Federal Gov. are going to have Regulate everything from Food , Gas , Banking and the Orginized criminal internet, stealing everybody blind with fake O.S. security and fake Apps privacy rights costing this country Billions every year in damages . = New Technology AI servers to weed out Orginized cyber crime. You see the way these people are like Enron and Bitcoin scandals , 2008 Banking scandals to the other 100% True other 5,000 episodes cases of American Greed True crime series that raised the eyebrows and shooked the Britches off of Judge Judy ? State and Federal Gov. needs to Regulate them all and Baby sit these people from now on or your Grand k7ds future in big trouble ??

  5. The 2020 Increase in Death Rates Were The Highest Ever Recorded -CDC- The numbers alone prove medical care is a hoax, more like a money laundering scheme, actually. Healthcare has been politicized and weaponized.

  6. 5 years ago I could get in to see my gp if I was ILL within a day. Now you are sent to urgent care or wait three weeks to see your GP. WITH multiple heath issues , seeing someone in urgent care is not safe. Seeing a specialist now takes three months. Even a new patient at a dentist takes three months to get an appointment. Then there is long waits for diagnostic tests before treatment for the problem can be accurately diagnosed. . Seems to me this type of health system will overload emergency rooms for those who can’t wait for all the above bull or those that see this pattern and realize it’s better to go to the emergency room to resolve issues that are more than the usual bumps bruises and pulled muscles and colds and flu. . Based on life expectancy data we are dying quicker . Is it any wonder. We are headed for a two tier system. Expect concierge medicine to flourish for those wealthier people that can afford the annual cost and the rest of the average population to receive sub par care.

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