(GALLUP) Americans no longer trust news media, turn to individuals with public platforms for info.

The following is from Gallup News Poll.


  • Nearly nine in 10 Americans follow public individuals for news and information
  • TV journalists and hosts of shows are the most popular individuals followed
  • Public individuals broadly liked, trusted for non-mainstream perspectives

In 2022, the highest percentage of Americans in 50 years of Gallup tracking reported no confidence at all in the news media.

This aligns with growing public distrust in a wide variety of U.S. institutions.

Gallup’s research with Knight Foundation over the past five years has revealed the drivers and barriers of trusting the news and has quantified the depth of Americans’ negative feelings about the news today. When the trends hit a low point, is all hope lost?

A new Gallup/Knight Foundation study finds that many Americans regularly turn to individuals with public platforms for news and information. These individuals include celebrities, journalists, academic experts, TV show hosts, online influencers and business leaders. The top two reasons given for following these individuals are: personality and trust.

Here are seven charts summarizing the extent to which Americans turn to “public individuals” for news and information, and why they follow them.

1. Public individuals are a significant part of Americans’ news diet.

Nearly nine in 10 Americans follow at least one public individual for news and information. Scientists or other experts, politicians and journalists are among the most frequently followed. Although the most common type of information Americans say they get from public individuals is commentary and analysis, 61% get at least some of their news and current events from these individuals.

2. The influence of individuals is not just a social media phenomenon.

Only 16% of Americans follow social media influencers specifically for information. And while 51% of Americans say they follow all kinds of public individuals for news and information on social media platforms, the two most common mediums for following are television (63%) and newspapers (62%).

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8 thoughts on “(GALLUP) Americans no longer trust news media, turn to individuals with public platforms for info.”

  1. I gave up on all National and Local News after the 2020 elections. When I saw Fox call AZ for Biden when less then 1% was in and then the nation. I saw that the vote counting had been stopped in multiple states for a couple hours with Trump ahead by a good amount and then suddenly the counting starts across the nation and Biden is ahead with no time to make the counting. I check all news and they gave the same reports. At that point I new it was all bogus.

    I have also seen on various days that National news will report something early and it gets reported the same by every other news in some similar manner. It becomes a “planned” report even if it is not completely true.

    I have gone to streaming, listening, and reading. I will watch various people but I will always research. I researched COVID and did not allow and “vaccine” to be injected into me and I am healthy.

  2. what we are witnessing is the demise of main stream media, and cable news. They will never regain their credibility, and internet blogs will became the daily nightly news. I cut the cable in Feb and would never go back.

  3. The main stream media, from 2016 forward spewed endless breathless huffing and puffing conspiracy theories about Russian collusion which they continued to push for Trump’s entire presidency. Then came the bogus totally in-your-face election fraud which they have defended like some deranged pope from the 1600’s defending the geocentric model. They lit their creditability on fire threw it in a dumpster and now on television all that is left are endless dumpster fires with 3 letter names. CUT THE CORD!

  4. I don’t know why it has taken so long to mistrust the media. I lost confidence when Cronkite didn’t report accurately on the Viet Nam war. I was in the army at the time and knew the US Army did not lose a single battle. He later revealed his politics. We should have never been in that war.

    1. Robert,

      Cronkite had admitted
      to COMMUNIST

      And what of trust
      in our medical
      community ?

      Forwarded Message :

      My below post found here :

      JungianINTPJune 1, 2023 Reply

      And none of it is by happenstance nor accident nor angelic forces—but by the Medical Mafia :



  5. Trust ANYTHING on national network television, and you will end up deprived, mistaken, stupid and lost as any parakeet ever. The CFR was investigated and reported to congress. THEY control national television and corporate radio and newspaper news agencies’ output. February 1917, Hon. Rep. Oscar Callaway. READ UP ON THIS. Also know that an alliance between the Vatican, Rothschilds, and British royalty has been working to destroy the US. for 200 years. 1982, ex-Vatican cardinal pen named ‘Avro Manhattan’, The Vatican Moscow Washington Alliance’. For sale at Ebay and Amazon for between $4.00 and $400.00 a copy, depending on the week. Now for sale for $20.00 to $80.00 a copy(out of print). Get the facts. React, don’t panic and suckle at your CFR television set. Your TV is a lying asced bitss.

  6. But they do trust news media… they are still watching cable television and newspapers for news whether it is Tucker Carlson or Rachel MADdow. (I guess were in Tucker’s case and probably MADdow’s also). Odd headline…

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