Most voters remain concerned about the economy, and the Republican Party is making gains on the issue.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
Fifty percent (50%) say they trust Republicans more to handle the economy, while 39% trust Democrats more.
That 11-point margin marks a significant increase for Republicans since March, when they led Democrats by just four points on the issue.
The survey found that overall 88% of likely U.S. voters are concerned about the economy, including 60% who are “very concerned.”
Just 10% are not concerned about the economy.
Ninety-two percent (92%) of voters believe economic issues will be important in the 2024 presidential election, including 68% who expect it to be “very important.”
Only seven percent (7%) don’t think the economy will be an important issue in 2024.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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This is not a new thing. When I was younger, I used to hear, “I am a social liberal and an economic conservative”. I always asked, “How are those 2 things not mutually exclusive???” I Believe common sense tells us they ARE mutually exclusive!
I disagree as I consider myself socially liberal and an economic hawk. I do not give a bit about what an individual does regarding their lifestyle but do not push it upon me, my children or my grandchildren and certainly do not ask me to pay for it.
I have no problem with providing a ‘helping hand’ but our current welfare, cradle to grave, is total garbage and should be shelved.
Our military is the most powerful in the world now, and spends more than double what our existential threat, the CCP, spends. The defense budget should be frozen at current levels if not cut 2% per year for the next 5 years (appx a 11.5% reduction).
If you are referring to social spending by the federal government, I can agree with your comment. But our Constitution did not permit the social spending the fed does today. I say cut those programs by 50% now.
No doubt that margin of confidence will shrink once the details on the McCarthy cave are out.
So far I have heard 3 opine on the ‘deal’ McCarthy made with Biden and it is NOT good news for the taxpayers of this nation. McCarthy got very little and it could be absolutely nothing should the so called principals falter. As Sen Ted Cruz said the results will be in the details.
The $80B for the IRS this year was not touched but McCarthy claims it will be zeroed out next year. So will they terminate the 87,000 IRS agents they hire to harrass taxpayers this year? When has a government program ever shutdown a year after conception?
McCarthy went into negotiates offering a $1,7T increase in the debt ceiling through this congress but it appears the it will be an unlimited increase, amounting to about $4T.
The fact that Biden likes the deal and is asking every democrat to vote for it should tell the taxpayers we have been snookered once again by jellyspine republican leadership,