Voter fraud; Panama canal concerns; Dirty politics

A Texas city official (blue shirt) and her accomplice (striped pants) caught in the act of committing voter fraud

In 2020, many in the media and politics claimed– without evidence– that there was no reason to suspect any meaningful irregularities or fraud in the presidential election when Joe Biden managed a remarkable come-from-behind, overnight victory to beat Donald Trump.

Now that the dust has settled, and the same two men could be facing off in 2024, a Full Measure investigation examines what really did or didn’t happen in 2020.

We look into documented cases where it turns out there were serious issues, questions, and even fraud. We’ll also see how alleged crimes, when suspected or uncovered, are rarely pursued aggressively. Often, the most innocent hypothesis of how the anomalies occurred are automatically accepted. Recommended prosecutions sit without action. When fraud is admitted or proven, the punishment can be shockingly lenient, with little effort to uncover broader rings or organized efforts behind the criminals.

It’s an investigation you’ll only see on Full Measure.

Also Sunday, Scott Thuman reports from the Panama Canal. There are new concerns that this critical trade route could become dominated by America’s adversaries. We’ll explain why it matters to all of us.

And Lisa Fletcher has a fascinating look at the history of dirty politics in America– dating back to our forefathers.

See you Sunday!

We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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5 thoughts on “Voter fraud; Panama canal concerns; Dirty politics”

  1. I think the subject you are tackling this Sunday on Full Measure is spot on, particularly since Americans are bombarded with the framing of the issue as “The Big Lie”. Knowing the facts, the real facts no matter how they fall, is really important. Sadly, I will be out of the country this Sunday and will not be able to take in Full Measure. I hope you will publish the show as a transcript for those of us that cannot attend.

    Thanks for all you do.

  2. I just heard you on WMAL. Apparently you have not been following the work of
    Mike Lindell and thousands of other people who have been investigating this problem since November 3, 2020. The evidence, all presented at, is overwhelming. Ignore the commentary and download the Mesa County Reports and several filings to the courts, most of which were ignored, and you will find all the evidence anyone needs. As you said, it’s happening on both sides. And 2022 wasn’t any better. Check out the Kari Lake filings. You seem like someone who seeks the truth. I would love to see you analysis of this body of work.

  3. I found the piece very interesting. It was hard however to understand which were frauds during the National 2020 election versus local election frauds. Obviously, if the mechanisms are there any time it puts national elections at risk.
    Also, you clearly stated when a democrat was caught doing things but some of those you reported on were republicans. Both parties’ resort to clinging to power by any means.
    Cleaning the roles is important and when a state refuses to fund such activity all one has is to take them to court.
    Incidentally, when the same individual receives several ballots, only one gets counted unless the bar codes are different ballot to ballot.

  4. Jeffery Wayne Tartt

    Election fraud in 2020? I could and I would bet my all on it. I’ve been around since before JFK was killed by ? (We all know who didn’t do it). I’ve lived through many elections and 2020 was the most open and transparent grifting ever seen anywhere. Americans were shown just how little power we have. I would really like to know why. Why are the powers that be so scared of Trump and our ability to elect who we choose? Power, is that it? Sit down and shut up? Hide and watch folks. We The People will take back our country. I’d bet my all on it!

    1. I did not see enough to prove that Trump would have won. Also remember that he did not win the popular vote in 2016 either! So We the People didn’t win then either!

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