Nearly everyone says the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) have lost their moral authority.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll of 1,180 people at
A full 98% sat the two federal agencies have lost their moral authority.
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Have DOJ and FBI lost their moral authority?
1% No
98% Yes
1% Somewhat
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Meanwhile, a 3-judge panel of the 5th District Court of Appeals just Stayed the lower court’s ruling in Missouri v Biden until the matter can be addressed on a “expedited” basis.
That 3-judge panel is comprised of a Clinton appointee, and Obama appointee, and a Trump appointee, but they are apparently not necessarily the same panel that will hear the Appeal, which I believe will go to a different 3-judge panel (unless by random chance the same judges are selected), or the full 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, OR might be brought directly to the Supreme Court.
it is much more than the fbi and the doj -it is all parts of the america system top to bottom. and if you all notice it has happened since the democrates has had control of the white house .=yes they have flushed this nation down the tolit in jast 3 years.and it took well over 200 yr to make .and that is the best reason NOT to vote dnc on any theng or any one
Neither the FBLie nor the Dept of INjustice never HAD any moral authority to lose! Yes, there was some respect, but it was more fear of them before than anything else! But the worm has turned!! Now, we are armed with the TRUTH!! The truth that NO man nor woman has any legitimate power or authority over any other man or woman, if a crime of any kind was committed to attain those things! Crimes such as fraud or anything else that goes against the laws of Nature and Nature’s god!!
If you expose the crime(s) going on, you will win every time, because truth ALWAYS prevails over any amount of lies being told! How can it be any other way?
The entire legal system has been outed as being incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial when the USSC/SCOTUS reversed Roe v. Wade last year, and blamed it on a mistake being made!! If those nine “justices” cannot get something as serious as the life or death of unborn babies right, how can they be looked upon to get a parking ticket decision right??