As the 2024 election shapes up as a rematch between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump, a large percentage of voters think the country is doomed if their preferred candidate loses.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
The survey finds that 40% of likely U.S. voters agree with the statement, “Joe Biden must be re-elected president next year, or the United States is doomed,” including 25% who “strongly agree.”
Fifty-three percent (53%) disagree, including 43% who “strongly disagree.”
Forty-two percent (42%) agree with the statement, “Donald Trump must be re-elected president next year or the United States is doomed,” including 26% who “strongly agree.”
Fifty-three percent (53%) disagree, including 44% who “strongly disagree.”
As might be expected, opinions are largely divided along party lines.
Two-thirds (67%) of Democrats at least somewhat agree that America is doomed if Biden is not reelected in 2024, while 61% of Republicans at least somewhat agree that the country is doomed if Trump doesn’t win next year.
Among voters not affiliated with either major party, 45% at least somewhat agree the U.S. is doomed if Trump doesn’t win, compared to 25% who feel the same about Biden.
To see survey question wording, click here.
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Wake up America! How can anyone vote for a candidate/party that allows and wants open borders. There will be no America if we continue to have open borders.
So Democrats seem to believe that our country is doing well and if Biden is re-elected his policies will continue on its current trajectory of continued improving prosperity and happiness !!!
Ha Ha
With an open southern border, reckless spending and record deficit, high inflation, higher crime in democrat run cities and very weak foreign policies, are we honestly better off now? Is the world safer? Poor voting choices have consequences. ‘F-Troop’ is running our nation.
Did anyone else see this, re: Rasmussen reports?
Does Rassmussen only poll elite democrats or is the average democrat voter ignorant? While the stock market is reaching new highs, the average citizen is being priced out of the housing market, paying much more for food and higher energy costs. Wages have not kept pace with inflation and we all know inflation is NOT “temporary”!
Many if not most employees who are voting to strike for higher wages are democrats. Can they not see that what we need is a stable economy for everyone one rather than just higher wages from their employer? Do they fail to understand government spending has put the nation into a 33 Trillion dollar debt and the constant printing of money is the main cause of the decline of the dollar? IDIOTS!