Despite testimony about President Joe Biden’s role in his son Hunter’s foreign business deals, voters are now less likely to support impeachment proceedings than they were three months ago.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
The survey found that 38% of likely U.S. voters believe Congress should begin impeachment proceedings against Biden.
That’s slightly down from 42% in May.
Fifty-two percent (52%) of voters believe it is likely that, since becoming president, Joe Biden has committed high crimes and misdemeanors that would justify Congress impeaching him, including 37% who say it’s “very likely.”
Forty-three percent (43%) don’t think it is likely Biden has committed impeachable offenses as president, including 28% who say it’s “not at all likely.”
Forty-seven percent (47%) now oppose impeachment, while another 14% are undecided.
To see survey question wording, click here.

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It would be interesting to know how many voters’ opinions about impeachment are related to them understanding the REALITY that the democrat-controlled Senate will never vote to impeach, so the entire excerise would be pointless at BEST, and possibly help Biden get reelected.
One has to wonder how many voters would be for impeachment if the were a reasonable chance that the Senate would follow through and actually kick Joetard out of office.
Same applied to when Trump was impeached, the GOP controlled Senate would have never agreed with them and that’s what happened.
Because most people are unaware of the criminal activity that is being uncovered, since the corporate media is largely ‘blacking out’ the entire investigation.
The people who are aware of what is being uncovered know that the Senate will NEVER impeach him.
And they know if successful that Harris would step in as POTUS- and would rather a corrupt ‘tough guy’ be the frontperson for the Progressive cabal than a total nincompoop.
In the DC matrix (DEN of CORRUPTION) hypocrisy and PsyOp maintenance rule the realm. It’s been a Mockingbird exercise since the creation of a deep-state culture. Polls cannot measure the perceptions and changes in public awareness – both of which are ignored by the programmed minions of the deep state in govt and the corporate media complex. God help US.
I have to agree with Mr. Bayer that many believe impeachment to be an effort in futility since they will not get 2/3 of the US Senators required to convict. Either that or we have an ambivilent nation; going along to get along. History informs us this is what happens as nations progress from working hard to build the nation to a nation of luxury. The Fall is coming for the USA should we continue with the deadly sin of sloth!
It would be good for a poll to query the reason why only 38% of the populace supports impeachment.
Could the reasons be lack of conviction, or lack of knowledge regarding the crimes.
I say go for the impeachment.
Let the House Managers make their case before the whole House and the American people. Then send it to the Senate.. If the House Managers make a good case against Biden, then the Senate can explain to their constituents why they voted to acquit.
Just like what Trump went through twice and the GOP controlled Senate voted to acquit.
The GOP has to do a better job of following the money to Joe’s pockets.
Or all they have is a chance to pin something on Hunter.