Ninety-seven (97%) say the US government is running us, the people, as opposed to the people running the government.
That’s according to the latest unscientific poll at
Three percent (3%) of respondents said that the people are in charge of the government. Fewer than one percent (1%) said the government and the people are equal.
Full results are below. Be sure to answer the newest poll at Look for the black box on the right sidebar on your computer or scroll way down on your mobile device.
Are The People running Govt. or is Govt. running Us?
3% We’re in charge
97% Govt. is ruler
<1% We’re equal
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There is little, if any, doubt the government has overreached in the powers it should have according to the US Constitution. The power to tax was, and should be, limited to what was absolutley necessary to meet the secuirty of the nation and to arbitrate disputes between the states. The federal government was never meant to create welfare or social governance.
Government works best at the lowest levels where the people have more control, not at the federal
Most are finally realizing the Federal Administration has become a bureaucratic leviathan and should be drastically reduced.