UFO whistleblower testimony: ‘Tip of the Iceberg’

The following is from Futurism.com.

In a new editorial, one of Congress’ recent UFO whistleblowers revealed a glaring hole in the government’s plan to track and study what it refers to as “unidentified aerial phenomena” or UAPs.

Whistleblower Ryan Graves wrote for Newsweek that during his tenure as a Naval pilot, he and his team regularly encountered aircraft off the coast of Virginia Beach that “had no visible propulsion… but could remain motionless in Category-4 hurricane winds, accelerate to supersonic, and operate all day, outlasting our fighter jets.”

These sorts of encounters with UAPs happen all the time, noted Graves — who co-founded and now acts as executive director of a group called Americans for Safe Aerospace — but because they often happen outside of the military’s purview, the Pentagon doesn’t seem to care much.

“Today, these same UAP are still being seen; we still don’t know what they are; and our government has no idea of the scope of the problem,” the whistleblower wrote. “That’s because pilots, both commercial and military, are encountering UAP, and the majority of these cases are going unreported.”

Prior to his late July testimony, Graves claimed that Americans for Safe Aerospace had been in contact with more than 30 people who’d witnessed UAPs.

Since his headline-grabbing appearance before the House Subcommittee on National Security, the Border, and Foreign Affairs, he said that even more people had come forward with their stories.

Most of those witnesses, the ex-pilot added, fly commercial airliners for a living, and the most recent of those reports was issued just last week.

In spite of recent years’ joint Pentagon and Congress efforts to bring UAPs into the daylight, there still isn’t a streamlined reporting protocol, claimed Graves, noting that the Federal Aviation Administration simply directs commercial pilots to report incidents to non-governmental groups without any “official follow up or analysis.”

In short: there are, as the whistleblower claims, tons more of these sightings than the government lets on — and the government has already let on a lot.

And while the veracity of these claims has been called into question even by true believers, the lack of reporting structure outside the confines of the US military is, to say the least, troubling.

If Graves is to be believed, the oversight creates a massive hole in the government’s understanding of these strange and increasingly-mainstreamed sightings.

“Commercial pilots are highly trained observers of our skies,” the whistleblower wrote. “Why then is our government turning its back on the UAP reports from credible eyewitnesses who are responsible for the safety of millions and are motivated to protect our national security?”

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8 thoughts on “UFO whistleblower testimony: ‘Tip of the Iceberg’”

  1. “,,, aircraft off the coast of Virginia Beach that ‘had no visible propulsion… but could remain motionless in Category-4 hurricane winds, accelerate to supersonic, and operate all day, outlasting our fighter jets’.”

    If one sights a visual object that doesn’t behave in accordance with known laws of physics — such as remaining stationary in the air during a Cat-4 hurricane, or accelerating beyond some expected physical limitation — one might reasonably suspect that what one is seeing is not an object with any mass, but is in the nature of a holographic projection — a purely visual phenomenon.

    That would be a reasonable answer short of jumping to the scifi conclusion of extraterrestrial super-science.

    1. I don’t think there is anything in the laws of physics that contradicts what you describe; it is merely known man-made technology that cannot explain it. Things can move very fast – up to the speed of light – according to physics (though humans have no known tech to make that happen); and an object that could create its own gravity field would be able to remain stationary amid a storm – the earth itself for example was not buffeted by the storm because it possesses enormous mass (which generates so-called ‘gravity’ by means of distorting the space around it). So in short, if you can make a machine that distorts space in situ, you can travel way faster than man is currently capable of and you can stay still amid huge forces such as storms or ocean waves. The first-hand claim by Bob Lazar that these machines operate by creating their own gravitational field – i.e. by bending the fabric of spacetime – corroborates this as a likely means of UAP propulsion. (I have used the term gravity, which is the traditional Newtonian notion, but of course Einstein dispensed with this notion and his thus-far totally accurate equational description of the phenomenon is as a warping of spacetime caused – via mechanisms not yet understood – by mass.) We can now create electromagnetic forces – unimaginable 200 years ago – so why not gravitational ones. Just my thoughts.

    2. I don’t think there is anything in the laws of physics that contradicts what you describe; it is merely known man-made technology that cannot explain it. Things can move very fast – up to the speed of light – according to physics (though humans have no known tech to make that happen); and an object that could create its own gravity field would be able to remain stationary amid a storm – the earth itself for example was not buffeted by the storm because it possesses enormous mass (which generates so-called ‘gravity’ by means of distorting the space around it). So in short, if you can make a machine that distorts space in situ, you can travel way faster than man is currently capable of and you can stay still amid huge forces such as storms or ocean waves. The first-hand claim by Bob Lazar that these machines operate by creating their own gravitational field – i.e. by bending the fabric of spacetime – corroborates this as a likely means of UAP propulsion. (I have used the term gravity, which is the traditional Newtonian notion, but of course Einstein dispensed with this notion and his thus-far totally accurate equational description of the phenomenon is as a warping of spacetime caused – via mechanisms not yet understood – by mass.) We can now create electromagnetic forces – unimaginable 200 years ago – so why not gravitational ones. Just my thoughts.

  2. I don’t think there is anything in the laws of physics that contradicts what you describe; it is merely known man-made technology that cannot explain it. Things can move very fast – up to the speed of light – according to physics (though humans have no known tech to make that happen); and an object that could create its own gravity field would be able to remain stationary amid a storm – the earth itself for example was not buffeted by the storm because it possesses enormous mass (which generates so-called ‘gravity’ by means of distorting the space around it). So in short, if you can make a machine that distorts space in situ, you can travel way faster than man is currently capable of and you can stay still amid huge forces such as storms or ocean waves. The first-hand claim by Bob Lazar that these machines operate by creating their own gravitational field – i.e. by bending the fabric of spacetime – corroborates this as a likely means of UAP propulsion. (I have used the term gravity, which is the traditional Newtonian notion, but of course Einstein dispensed with this notion and his thus-far totally accurate equational description of the phenomenon is as a warping of spacetime caused – via mechanisms not yet understood – by mass.) We can now create electromagnetic forces – unimaginable 200 years ago – so why not gravitational ones. Just my thoughts.

  3. The testimony at the Congressional hearings was pretty conclusive that these are hard physical objects flying around (and under water), defying our understanding of physics. I understand the urge to discount this fact because the conclusion would have to be, not only that we’re not alone, but that we’re actually not in control of our own planet. Potentially, some other being or technology can pull the strings anytime they/it feels like it. Our only consolation, so far, is that they/it hasn’t taken overt action, yet. So when trying to figure out why our governmental and/or military haven’t acknowledged the threat, or even the existence of these objects, one has to consider their situation. If they did, the people wouldn’t necessarily panic, but they would expect these leaders to actually know something and be able to do something about the unknown situation. That feeling of being powerless against a potential threat. There’s nothing a ‘leader ‘ fears more that not being able to offer a solution or answer to a situation like that. Their credibility is immediately questioned. It explains the irrational reaction to terrorism and climate change. At least they can offer some hare-brained scheme for that kind of situation. With UAPs we have so little actual knowledge and our technology appears to be powerless against it. Why, “they” won’t even come down to communicate their non-intention to harm us, or take over the planet. That doesn’t match our sci-fi view of the Universe. Maybe they’re following the “Prime Directive” of Star Trek – do not interfere, but in reality they already have. Just be glad you’re not interesting enough to probe.

  4. The number one source for all things “UFO” related is Dr. Steven Greer. He has well over 750 whistleblowers who have worked in various “Unacknowledged Special Access Projects” or USAP’s. Dr. Greer’s group recently testified in front of congress and he gave a public press conference disclosing a great deal of information on the topic.

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