You may have seen TV commercials warning that certain pet medications can cause seizures and other problems in your animals. It turns out that our pets are suffering some of the same chronic health problems that have spiked among American humans in the past two decades, from allergies and other immune disorders to seizures.
The following is an excerpt from The Vaccine Reaction.
The novel messenger RNA (mRNA) Covid-19 shots, notably Pfizer/BioNTech’s Comirnaty and Moderna/NIAID’s Spikevax biologics, were not he only shots causing millions of Americans to worry and be skeptical about their safety and efficacy over the past three years.
A new study published last month in the journal Vaccine found that more than half of dog owners in the United States have concerns about vaccinating their dogs, including for rabies.
“A large minority of dog owners consider vaccines administered to dogs to be unsafe (37 percent), ineffective (22 percent) and/or unnecessary (30 percent),” according to the research.
This is not the first time researchers have taken a closer look at growing vaccine hesitancy among pet owners.
In 2021, a study published in the Canadian Veterinary Journal found a link between parents who oppose mandatory childhood vaccinations and vaccine-hesitant pet owners.
Medical Exemptions for Pet Vaccines Limited to Only 16 States
Rabies vaccinations for dogs are required by law in most states in the U.S., but in a small number of states, rabies vaccination is only required for imported animals above a certain age.
Unlike human vaccine laws which vary by state and include provisions for medical, religious, and/or philosophical or conscientious belief exemptions, only medical exemptions exist—and only in 16 states—for the rabies shot for pets.
Annual Rabies Booster May Be Overkill
Texas dog owner Michael Hays shared concerns with a media outlet in 2020 after his dog developed a serious illness shortly after routine vaccinations.
“Charlie” had just received his rabies shot along with other core boosters. “The day after those vaccines, he just started acting a little weird, and then two days later, he couldn’t go up and down the stairs,” Hays said.
Hays never received a conclusive answer from the vet after several follow-up visits as to the reason for the sharp decline of his dog’s health so quickly after routine vaccinations. Charlie died soon afterward.
Hays said he wished he would have checked his dog’s titers—a blood test that determines whether or not antibodies to protect against disease are still present from previous shots or from natural infection—before moving forward with more boosters, especially after a growing body of research suggests dogs can be protected for 5-7 years or even longer.
Charlie had been receiving core vaccines annually, according to media reports, but the American Animal Hospital Association guidelines only recommend core vaccines and boosters “at intervals of every three years or longer.”
“Canine vaccine hesitancy is pervasive,” said Matt Motta, the study’s co-author and political scientist at Boston University’s School of Public Health who studies hesitancy. “What this demonstrates is that Covid fundamentally changed how Americans look at vaccines.”
Some public health officials suggest the pandemic ushered in an unprecedented level of vaccine skepticism.
According to an April analysis conducted by UNICEF, the number of Americans who believe vaccines are important dropped below 80 percent, compared to 93 percent prior to the pandemic.
Further, vaccination rates for some diseases have continued to decline during the past two years, according to the CDC.
Link to article here.

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As a cat owner, I feel the same. I took my kitten in for a vet check up at 8 weeks and got him his rabies shot and other recommended shots. At 6 months I had him neutered…that is it. That was also the routine for my previous cat and she lived to be 20 years old.
I constantly hear of pets coming down with cancer and their humans paying thousands of dollars to try to save them, which never works and makes it hard on the pet and the owner. I wonder if these so called “Vaccines” are making cats and dogs sick and ultimately killing them just as seems to be happening with more and more humans today!
Acredito que as rações também estão fazendo mal aos nossos animais, de forma gradativa.
You know, I’m not saying that I wouldn’t be worried about an”mRNA vaccine” if I currently owned a pet (I’ve had 3 dogs and 1 cat-all a long time ago (I’m over 70) so I never really had to worry about it, and regular vaccines (before mRNA was Frankenstein-ally discovered) never bothered my pets.
However, it is of robust humor that more people, in this newsletter, have worries about their pets getting the MRNA than worried about their children taking the vaccine. As a matter of fact, many parents in the papers I read (on-line and in hard copies) were not only avid in getting the “vaccines” for their children-but bragged about it.
By the way, I’m putting in quotes the ‘MRNA vaccine” because vaccine no longer means vaccine, but rather it was protection for one or two months (and, of course, a vaccine is assumed to be safe. But this mRNA vaccine has safety issues and turned out to be questionable at best regarding those safety issues. The current left-wing fad seems to ben changing the meaning of words in order to mis-lead the reader.
Years ago had a litter of pups vaccinated against Parvo. All got Parvo and only one survived. Also had a vaccinated cat develop a cancerous tumor at the vaccination site, which of course killed her. I was told it was from the vaccine preservative. No more vaccinations for my animals…or myself.
My sister, a vet-tech for over 30 years, does the titer check when it comes to rabies. Rabies is an awful disease, but if they have the titers…they are still protected against it and don’t need another shot. Vaccines can cause different reactions in different breeds. A lot of vets don’t like the bother of being asked to do the blood work to check titers; you’re going to have to push for it (and pay for it). It’s easier just to give a dog a shot and charge a card. There are also a lot of vaccines that are given that don’t make sense for the issue at hand. When mycoplasma (a bacteria) was going around, dogs were getting shots for “kennel cough.” But that was for a viral issue, and did nothing for the bacterial issue. Obviously, animals are eating, licking, and going places humans aren’t, so some of the vaccinations make sense depending on how they live (indoor, outdoor, around other animals, etc.). But if they have the titers in their blood….
I got my dog in 2013 and the vet gave her shots a lot that first year. When she was 18 months she got allergies and was scratching until her fur came off. So now she is on special food and gets shots every month to keep her comfortable. (It’s incredibly expensive.) I said to my wife 8 years ago that I think all the shots did it. So I had already decided that our next dog would ONLY get the shots required by law. My kids are all grown up and one is anti-vax and one is all in with CDC guidance. (He has even vaxed his one year old.) We 3 got the vax and my wife did not. Now I’m anti-vax for people and pets except for the ones that have worked and proven to be (mostly) safe for over 50 years. (Oh, and Fauci is as evil as sin. He allowed all this because he made the mistake of funding gain-of-function and wanted to cover it up.)
My friend just told me her indoor only cats all got “Feline Respiratory Disease” recently. I asked her how that is given they never go out and she said they were never around other animals. She did mention that all of them were previously vaccinated for “Feline Respiratory Disease” but one of them had been recently vaccinated for it. She said her vet is confused how they got sick with it. Well, that told me what I needed to know.
My dogs have only the required rabies shot, and only the first one. I nixed the others and my vet showed no concern.
My pup weighs 8 lbs. She’s a Havanese. During the time of the lockdowns she ended up with an obstruction. I brought her to the vet. I had to drop her off curbside and sign papers giving them permission to do surgery if necessary. I literally wrote on the form NO VACCINES due to SEIZURE HISTORY (seizures started after giving her the line up expected for kenneling) When I went to pick her up & they brought her out to me, they informed me they also gave her her rabies shot. I was shocked and asked if they missed what I had written on the bottom of the form. Her answer was “we wouldn’t have done the procedure without her rabies shot.” I can’t even describe how fuming mad I was.
We got her home & within a few hours she was awake enough to get up & eat/drink. She attempted to get up but didn’t have use of her hind quarters. I decided to see what she was like the following morning. Thought maybe she was sore from the procedure. She was still paralyzed the following day. I called the vet just to gain understanding of the procedure the day before. Told her what had happened then asked if it had any relation to the rabies jab. She assured me it did not & became agitated with me after addressing this association. My pup thankfully did come out of it days later when I was enrolled to our States University where they have a pet clinic. Interesting enough they were familiar with a study I had found out of Ohio State University where yes in fact a dog/dogs had become paralyzed after getting the rabies shot. Our vets unfortunately are equally controlled by pharma. Thankfully I grew up on a farm where we never practiced immunizing our pets. Cats or dogs lived to be 16+ yrs old.
I quit vaccinating dogs, horses, everything in the mid-80’s after a relative who worked in veterinary vaccine research let me know what was really going on in their trials. Worse than one can imagine. Curious that to this date none of mine have died, no cancer, no autoimmune, no illness. Just super healthy, long lived animals. I feed raw, biologically appropriate diets also which helps.