Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin has pardoned Scott Smith, the father who was convicted for protesting the Loudoun County School Board after his daughter was sexually assaulted at school by a boy wearing a skirt in the girl’s bathroom.
“Scott Smith is a dedicated parent who’s faced unwarranted charges in his pursuit to protect his daughter. Scott’s commitment to his child despite the immense obstacles is emblematic of the parental empowerment movement that started in Virginia.”
Governor Glenn Youngkin (R-Virginia)
Smith was charged with obstruction of justice and disorderly conduct in June 2021 after expressing his frustrations at a school board meeting following his teenage daughter’s rape at Stone Bridge High School. The Board had falsely denied the incident, and took steps to cover it up. Documents and investigations later revealed the cover up. The same boy was allowed to enroll at another school where he raped a second girl.
The boy pleaded not guilty, but was convicted in August 2021.
Watch our Full Measure Critical Race Story featuring video of Scott Smith’s school board protest.
Read story re: Grand Jury’s findings in sexual assault case involving Smith’s daughter.

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What jury would convict based on that fact pattern? What information was kept from the jury? Have those who covered up the truth been prosecuted? If not, why not?
I have the same question. WHY are not those involved with a cover up being charged with a crime? If it was investigated and determined members of the school board or school administrators plotted to cover it up that is a crime. You wonder why Americans are so disgusted with school boards? There’s ONE REASON. Who is protecting them? There’s more to this story thats NOT BEING TOLD. WHY/
Scott Smith was instrumental in getting Youngkin elected governor, indirectly but he brought attention to the crap that was going on in Virginia schools and schools around the nation. School boards did not want to hear him but he fought for his family. HERO!