(POLL) How will ’24 race shift if RFK, Jr. runs as third-party candidate?

As reports circulate that Robert F Kennedy Jr., (RFK, Jr.) will soon run against President Joe Biden as an independent candidate, a Zogby poll shows that Kennedy could enter the contest with almost 20% of the vote.

The polling indicates that in a three-way general election with Trump vs. Biden, and including an “independent candidate,” Trump leads Biden 40% to 38%, with the “independent candidate” taking 17%.

Adding “Robert F. Kennedy Jr.” as the specific independent candidate, Trump and Biden tie at 38%, and RFK receives 19%. That implies Kennedy takes more from Trump than from Biden.

Kennedy would be the highest-polling independent or third party candidate to enter a presidential election in the modern era, beginning at a level of support where independent Ross Perot finished in the 1992 Presidential Election.

According to Zogby analysts, the significance of this is that Kennedy outpolls an unnamed, generic independent candidate. It is rare that support for generic candidates rises when a name is added to the mix.

“If this poll shows anything, it’s that Kennedy can win as an independent candidate in 2024,” said Tony Lyons, co-chairman of American Values 2024, the super PAC supporting Kennedy for president, and publisher of The Kennedy Beacon.

Despite the intense and comprehensive smear campaign against RFK, Jr. unlike, much like that wagered against Trump who is also outside the traditional party establishment, Kennedy is said to be surging at 27% nationally among likely Democratic primary voters.

Kennedy continues to be the only candidate whose favorable/unfavorable ratings are not underwater, according to Zogby, with a 40% favorable rating to a 33% unfavorable rating.

Biden’s ratings are 40% / 58% and Trump’s are 41% / 57%.

Joe Biden still commands a large lead over Kennedy among registered Democrats: 73% to 16%.

Kennedy has said to expect a bit announcement from him on Monday, October 9 in Pennsylvania.

He will appear in an interview on Sunday, October 8 on Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson.

Read Zogby polling analysis here.

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