State Department facing pushback on President Biden’s Israeli policy

The following is from Just The News.

The U.S. State Department is reportedly facing considerable internal dissent over the Biden administration’s decision to strongly back Israel amid an ongoing conflict between that country and the Hamas terrorist group based in Gaza.

President Joe Biden visited Israel this week and urged Americans on Thursday to support an aid package to that nation and Ukraine.

Israel has maintained a steady barrage of the Gaza Strip since an Oct. 7 Hamas raid on its territory and the Pentagon has already moved to direct artillery munitions to Israeli forces to help them prepare for a possible ground assault.

Behind the scenes, however, senior officials in the main executive agency that handles foreign policy face internal pushback.

“There’s basically a mutiny brewing within State at all levels,” one official told the Huffington Post. Others confirmed the preparation of a “dissent cable,” which is an internal document criticizing Department policy.

Earlier this week, internal frustrations became public when Josh Paul, the former Director of Congressional & Public Affairs for the department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, publicly posted his resignation, citing his inability to shift the administration from its course on the issue.

“I believe to the core of my soul that the response Israel is taking, and with it the American support both for that response, and for the status quo of the occupation, will only lead to more and deeper suffering for both the Israeli and the Palestinian people – and is not in the long term American interest,” Paul said.

Link to article here.

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6 thoughts on “State Department facing pushback on President Biden’s Israeli policy”

  1. Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

    Getting at
    ROOT Cause
    of Corruption :

    “These people were not a part of God’s Israel,
    they were Zionist Khazars who felt they were
    superior to all other sects of society and were
    destined to be the only race to exist on Earth
    outside of slaves making up the 500 million
    global population. Meaning the Zionists were
    the racists, the antisemitics, without religion.
    And society today is proof we are living out
    the aspired Protocols.”

    -above paragraph at bottom of Helena’s report :

    Protocols :


    1. Capt Russell Grayson, USMC *ret)

      I don’t know why I waste my time on trying to educate mentally deficient, spiritually bankrupt cretins like you–but SOME people might read this and NOT know how demented you are. The pure bullcrap “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” is a well-known invention, a Tzarist forgery, invented by ministers in the Russian Imperial Court after the Russians got destroyed by Japan in the Russo-Japanese War of 1905. For nearly 118 years people of limited intellect, devoid of any ability to do research, and suffering from bankruptcy of the soul continue to push this pile of overripe turd, invented by Tzar Nicholas’s ministers. Even the Nazis knew it was a Russian forgery, but used it because idiots like YOU would always be willing to swallow it hook, line, and sinker. Congratulations on PROVING that you have an IQ of under 50.

  2. State Dept. has too many anti-American, anti-Israel staffers, many of whom were probably installed by Obama. I wish they would all do the honorable thing and resign.

  3. My husband is an Israeli-American and I believe we would be safer in Germany than America. Lots of antisemitism but at least the government recognizes it and is working to stop it, not like the Biden admin.

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