A majority of voters don’t think that Muslims in America are victims of unfair treatment.
That’s according to the latest Rasmussen Reports.
The survey finds that 29% of likely U.S. voters think most American Muslims living in this country are treated unfairly because of their religion and ethnicity, but 53% disagree.
Another 18% are not sure. These findings are essentially unchanged since 2016.
Voters are concerned that the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza could increase both anti-Jewish and anti-Muslim hate in America.
Thirty-four percent (34%) of voters believe the United States is too involved in the Middle East, while 23% think the U.S. is not involved enough in the region.
Thirty-five percent (35%) say America’s level of involvement in the Middle East is about right.
The number who rate the level of U.S. involvement in the Middle East as about right is down from its all-time high of 40% in August 2020.
To see survey question wording, click here.
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A poll must define who or where such ‘mistreatment is originating from. Are individuals mistreating Muslims or is the government the source of the mistreatment. I would say from a government perspective the treatment of Muslims would be overly fair as it is with most minorities. The federal government, state government, the media, most colleges and many businesses today give preferrential treatment to ‘special’ classes of citizens. One only has to look at college entrance requirements to see the disparity. Heather McDonald’s recent book “When Race Trumps Merit” lays out that case.
Couldn’t have said it better.
Russell Ross and Jeff,
Re : “ I S L A M O P H O B I A “ ( deflective term )
That’s a DEEP State term, used as culture-control
—not unlike X E N O P H O B I A, which is used to
FAKE an unreasonable response, as your country
is being overrun by ANTI-White racists from third
world countries. It’s exactly the Soviet Model/
Methodology : Lie / Lie / Lie—to control the
populace (( find and study, “The House
of Government,” about the Bolsheviks’
Russian/Communist revolution )).
Communism is simply an
excuse to steal your
neighbors’ property,
and impose FREE,
Why does everyone forget that “Free Sex” movement,
ALWAYS accompanying Marxian ideology ?
Free sexuality requires destruction of the N U C L E A R,
mother/father/child F A M I L Y. The Jewish Kibbutzim
is premised on that (( read “Summerhill,” in which you’’ll
find absurdities such as this : Teacher asks the author
how to stop a boy from playing with his pencil during
class, to which question he responds—“Tell him it’s okay
to masturbate,” as if there were any ACTUAL psycho-
logical relationship between the two behaviors )).
Fear of Islam (Islamophobia)? No, Islamaversion.