“As new and alarming information continues to come to light, federal health agencies continue to stonewall and gaslight Congress and the public.”
Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin)
The top Republican on the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, Sen. Ron Johnson, has sent a letter to the top health officials at Health and Human Services (HHS), FDA, CDC, and National Institutes of Health (NIH), calling for transparency and complete responses to numerous requests about Covid-19 vaccine injuries and other aspects of the pandemic.
This correspondence marks the senator’s 60th public letter to government agencies on the Covid-19 pandemic.
In the letter to HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra, FDA Commissioner Robert Califf, CDC Director Mandy Cohen, and NIH Acting Director Lawrence Tabak, Johnson writes:
“As the top U.S. health officials, and for some of you, medical doctors who have sworn to uphold the Hippocratic Oath, you and your colleagues also bear the absolute responsibility of providing patients and the American public the benefit of informed consent.”
“You and your colleagues have a duty to provide the American people with complete and transparent data regarding the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines.’ It is completely unacceptable that public health agencies have ignored requests for detailed information about ‘vaccine’ lots that are associated with higher rates of adverse events and have failed to provide CDC’s and FDA’s complete data analyses (Proportional Reporting Ratio tables and empirical Bayesian data mining – if they exist) on ‘vaccine’ adverse events. The fact that the vast majority of my questions and information requests remain unanswered or outstanding only heightens my level of suspicion.”
Johnson emphasizes what he considers the health agencies’ lack of transparency by highlighting his numerous oversight requests to various government agencies that remain unanswered.
Johnson notes, “Individuals who willingly or reluctantly received the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ deserve to know the full truth about the adverse health outcomes they or their loved ones may face following ‘vaccination.’ However, your agencies continue to obstruct my efforts to provide the public with the truth about the Covid-19 ‘vaccines.’”
The letter also raised questions about a recently released, FDA-funded preprint study which found multiple adverse health outcomes, including seizures, associated with the Covid-19 vaccines among vaccinated children.
“The results of this FDA-funded study reaffirm previous concerns about the safety of the Covid-19 ‘vaccines’—particularly for children—and underscore the need for federal health agencies to be transparent with the American people and responsive to Congress,” writes Johnson.
In addition to reiterating the outstanding requests that health agencies have failed to address, the senator asked for new information and materials based on the FDA-funded study.
“It is well past time for U.S public health agencies to be transparent,” he concluded.
The full letter can be found here.

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You can bet President Biden’s new EO on AI will continue the same propaganda and censorship on the covid vaccine’s.
This issue involving the government issuing falsified medical information along with mandatory “vaccines” that have killed countless people — and the parallel issue of concealing relevant factual information — may be the most important issue of our time, because if a government (local, state, national, and world) can get away with this, there’s nothing they can’t do and get away with.
This is our World War 2 — a struggle for existence against the forces of pure evil.
William Bayer,
The History of the FDA :
Forwarded Message :
Dear Dr. Miller,
– The FDA—in 1973 : One Physician’s Honest Overview –
“The FDA and some of its [ ruling ] officers have
been accused of lying, cheating, police state tactics,
bribe taking, medical quackery, atrocious scientific
judgment, being soft on narcotics, censorship,
blacklisting, blackmailing, conspiring with Internal
Revenue Service and other federal agencies to ‘get’
the critics, driving small drug houses into bankruptcy,
pandering to major drug houses, boondoggling,
inflicting needless death on sick people, harassment,
intimidation and numerous other sins.
“The recent history of the FDA has been reviewed
critically in ‘The Dictocrats, Our Unelected Rulers,’
a free-swinging expose’ by Omar V. Garrison, and
‘The Chemical Feast,’ by James S. Turner, a detailed,
documented report assembled by Ralph Nader’s
“One other official report gave a rather clear picture
of the agency. Six prominent men in the field of
science, medicine and education, comprised the ‘FDA
Ad Hoc Science Advisory Committee,’ which was to
‘review and evaluate the total scientific effort of the
FDA and to advise the Commissioner on aspects of
FDA’s science activities that, in its judgment, warrant
“ . . . the committee acknowledged that managerial
and communications problems [ at the FDA ] were
‘longstanding and widespread,’ according to the report.”
—“DMSO-the most persecuted drug” (1973)
Good that Sen Johnson is calling out the FDA but the information is out there to show how the people were lied to by the FDA, CDC and Fauxi/Brix. We now have young adult athletes dropping due to myocardial infarctions. Plenty of proof that remdesavir shortened the live of many who contracted COVID. Evidence that therapeutics would have saved thousands if not millions. Doctors who presented information anti to FDA/CDC guidelines were chastised, removed from major hospitals/Universities, and blocked from publishing medical papers in JAMA and Lancet.
All one has to do is seek the information and apply some critical thinking.
Regardless of how COVID was created, the handling by of the pandemic has been atrocious by the governments and the cover-up has been CRIMINAL!