The following is an excerpt from The Vaccine Reaction.
In recent years, government health agencies, cancer societies, as well as the American Dental Association (ADA), have attempted to recruit dentists to advocate for patients to get the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine to prevent oral cancers.
An HPV Vaccine Roundtable initiative, funded largely by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), advises dentists to “know their unique role” and “capitalize on adolescent patient visits” to “strongly and clearly” promote HPV vaccination to all eligible patients.
Last month, the taxpayer-funded National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) awarded over $685,000 to the Health Partners Institute to research and test strategies to persuade dentists to advocate for the HPV vaccine for patients ages 11 to 26.
No Randomized Clinical Trials to Prove Effectiveness of HPV Vaccine in Preventing Oral Cancers
The justification for this push comes partially from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), which added the prevention of oropharyngeal cancer to the list of indications for the HPV vaccine in June 2020, despite a lack of scientific evidence.
Research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association looking at rates of HPV in vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals from 2009 to 2016 concluded that, “Prevention of oral HPV infections and oropharyngeal cancers is not a vaccine indication because of lack of randomized trials.”
The initiative is likely also part of the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) aggressive goal to achieve an 80 percent HPV vaccine uptake rate among children by 2026.
In 2018, the ADA adopted a policy urging dentists to support and promote the administration of the HPV vaccine. Last year, the association approved a new insurance billing code for oral health providers to also administer the vaccine.
Dentists Reluctant to Market HPV Vaccine, Government Officials Want to Convince Them to Change Their Minds
However, dentists remain largely reluctant to recommend or administer the HPV vaccine to patients. Researchers have found a general lack of knowledge about HPV vaccine among oral health care professionals, as well as general “discomfort in initiating a sensitive conversation about HPV.”4
The $685,000 federal funding initiative aims to change the reluctance among dentists to recommend and give the HPV vaccine to patients.
The taxpayer-funded money will be used to experiment with training dental providers to become more confident in their knowledge and deliver scripted messages about why patients should get the HPV vaccine.
HealthPartners, the agency being paid to run the trial, will start the HPV vaccine marketing initiative in 21 dental clinics, with the goal of successfully implementing behavior modification among dentists.
According to to Children’s Health Defense (CHD), who acquired the documentation, the grant is one of nearly 50 total grants that combined, total more than $40 million awarded by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to increase HPV vaccine uptake. Funding was provided to universities, healthcare systems, and public health departments. (Continued…)
Link to article here.
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i watched all the virus live from day one. and with all the misleading and lying and the greed. I don’t trust this gov (U.S.) at all. and at all most 74 yr old i have not and will not get any of there shots. at 74 we old people knows the aids was to control the population .and as fare as i can see. that would be the underline reason for all of there shots
george fate,
I’ve got several years on you :
I don’t trust the Medical Mafia
because my sister acquired
childhood-polio—AFTER hav-
ing had the anti-polio vaccine !
This is not an issue for Dentists,
I realize dentists are medical doctors, but you you do not go to a dentist for cancer treatments.
This clearly belongs in the court of the Pediatricians or Family Practice doctors.
Most of the information is already out there with the exception of the lack of randomized trials.
It is no accident the Veterans Administration
does not grant veterans dental care—mouth/
teeth/gums being critical to HEALTH, as
gum disease conveys HEART Damage,
over time.
Dentists examine mouth/tongue/throat/gums for
CANCER—but any vaccine administered would
be to FURTHER damage veterans’ health.
HPV has NO remedy !—save being chaste.
Gardasil is another one of Medical Mafia’s scams :
Four pennies to produce just one shot, sold at
outrageous prices—as PROFIT drives
Big “Medicine.”
There was some research at UCSF Medical school possibly linking oral herpes and dementia – since there is such a direct facial nerve link to the brain, same with getting herpes infections in the eye since the eye itself if just a direct extension of the brain..
Never heard much more about this potential connection to Alzheimers. But I would be wary of getting dentists to suddenly push this vaccine without further information. Are they trying to do an informal field study using dental offices to gather this data in order to explore this possible link?
General dentists deal primarily with hard tissue; not soft tissue .This well is out of their field of expertise. I think dentists are getting used if they are asked to become drug shills for BigPharm.