(WATCH) A New Plan for Schooling

America’s post-Covid school landscape continues to evolve. More and more school districts are suffering teacher shortages. One solution being tried is a four-day school week. Today we visit the biggest school district in Missouri that’s implemented the new schedule to ask why they think it’s a game-changer.

When 14,000 kids went back to school in Independence, Missouri this year, it was on a brand-new schedule: a four-day school week.

Abby Stout: I am stoked about it.

Abby Stout, a new mom, teaches sixth grade math.

Sharyl: What kind of incentive is it for you to stay?

Stout: I just finished my 10th year of teaching. So my first seven years of teaching, I looked for different jobs, because it was just, it was very overwhelming. You want to do your best job, but there’s a lot of things going on, and trying to keep balanced work / life is very difficult. So when they moved to a four-day week, it was very much something that made me want to stay, one, in education, but two, in this district.

Hundreds of American school districts are now on a four-day schedule. That’s up nearly 50% over three years ago. It means slightly longer school days, and Mondays off, translating to a three-day weekend all year.

Dale Herl, superintendent of the Independence Missouri school district, says it’s a strong selling point.

Dale Herl: As far as teachers leaving our school district year over year, it is down, our retirements and resignations, more than 40%. And then you look at the number of applications that we’ve received compared to the same time last year, and it’s more than double.

Sharyl: And are you getting applications from people out of state, from far away, that know about the four-day week?

Herl: Absolutely. So, we’re very unique in that, that they can come to Independence, teach four days a week, and still have a very competitive salary that, maybe it looks different, not as high of a salary if they were in more of a rural part of the state.

Sharyl: Can you give me just an idea of salary ranges?

Herl: For us here in Independence, our beginning teacher salary is just a little bit over $41,000. If you go all the way to the right, which means all the way, if you have a doctorate and down on the salary schedule, so the most amount of years, you can earn, I believe it’s about $83,000.

Laurie Countryman: I am super excited.

First grade teacher Laurie Countryman is in her 24th year of teaching.

Sharyl: Did you hear any objections from teachers or parents?

Laurie: Yes. I was very surprised to hear from colleagues that were negative about it. If you’re a parent, single mom of four children, you might be a little worried to think, “What am I going to do that fifth day?”

Sharyl: For the families that need help, what do they have to pay to have someone take the child or do something with a child on that fifth day?

Herl: So, some of our activities, there’s no cost. So, what we call Learning League, that’s for those kids that are a grade level or more behind their peers. There’s no charge for that, and we will transport those kids to the school. Tutoring, there’s no charge. All of our clubs, there’s no charge. The only thing that we will charge our parents for, and that is what we would consider pure childcare.

For that, the district is offering childcare for $30 a day.

High school teacher Steve Cassity.

Sharyl: Was there a point during Covid, or in the last couple years, you thought to yourself, maybe you didn’t want to stick out teaching, or maybe you would retire?

Steve Cassity: I think that probably crossed every teacher’s mind during Covid, to be honest. I don’t know that I ever seriously considered retiring, but I’m close to retirement age and could actually retire. So the four-day week does keep me plugged into education. I’ve decided to stay in education. And it really, I think, will encourage a lot of teachers to stay.

Sharyl (on-camera): In Independence, the school week is Tuesday through Friday. But on Monday, high school students now have the chance to earn up to 12 college credit hours at the local community college.

Watch video here.

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6 thoughts on “(WATCH) A New Plan for Schooling”

  1. This Article and poor little kids concerns and being exploited ? Sharyl check out this Instagram account and watch her video’s in her whole profile ? = Lily (@lillyt.marley ) Instagram photo’s and video shorts. > http://www.instagram.com/lillyt.marley/ Ran across her profile by mistake I bet she is only 12 or 13 her whole page is and short videos is like some sort of sex marketing advertising into the sex trade or something ?? Pitiful ? I told Robbin Mcgraw about this today=Dr.Phil Wife ? Now click on her followers = Monkey see monkey do raunchy and dangerous behavior for little girls ? Then if you click on there followers led to even more raunchy exploitation of young girls profiles ? And they have other links to Tiktok and other. Sharyl take this little Girls videos and Show on the Congress floor and Dr, Phil because right now Congress is trying to prove Social media platforms is getting bad for kids ? I talked with Indiana Representative Mike Bruan office this morning after accidentally finding this little girls Instagram account. If some bad people trick her into her and others giving up address they could be kidnap them into the sex trade ???

    1. Bill Andrews,

      Nixon’s Commission on Pornography
      is part of the beginning of grooming
      little girls for the Sex Trade :

      Forwarded Message :

      Dear Health Impact News Editor,

      – snip –

      The Old Testament warns against following
      H E A R T ( …who can know it ?… )—because
      it is not the CENTER of our ( spirit ) being.

      Our Reptilian ( “Old” ) Brain controls the heart
      —and sex drive and drive to kill. So, don’t trust

      Also, you write about child-predators while avoid-
      ing the ROOT Cause of sexual predation :

      President Nixon’s Porn Commission, which gave
      us all of the RAMPANT perversion we suffer today.

      While moronic teachers and parents struggle to
      remove porn books from school libraries, they
      are blind to the TWO-CLICKS-AWAY porn, of the
      MOST perverse kind, in Google and DuckDuckGo,
      which any child in America can view.

      Why not write to REMOVE THE porn industry, as
      it is a crime against all that is wholesome about
      marriage and family.

      The Khzarian Jews run the INTERNATIONAL porn
      industries—and Khazar Jews Maury Povich, Jerry
      Springer, Howard Stern, Larry David ( likes to joke
      about raping babies ), Steve Wilkos, and more
      pump sewage into Americans’ TV via their “nosey”
      streaming service.

      And black Karamo likes to parade black men with
      20 or more illegitimate kids—seeming to enjoy
      shocking his white viewers about how impotent
      they are in comparison (( all kids with moms on
      welfare—to drive in the humiliation of white men
      even further ! )).

      Focus on the out-of-control porn industry wreck-
      ing once-high-culture civilization in the West.

      – snip –



      1. P.S.

        Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

        Re : Saving America from Death (( more a out PORN ))

        I Have a Dream
        [[ Mr. Trump ? ]] :

        The SCOTUS, then comprised
        of Black-Robbed Wh_res (( my
        term )), in ‘73, had ruled for a
        Right-to-Privacy for sodomites,
        which right is TOTALLY absent
        from the U.S. Constitution, as
        the late PaleoConservative –
        and former Washington Times
        columnist – Samuel Francis
        had correctly argued (( a ruling
        making homes unsafe for kids
        and women, if rapists/killers
        can seduce potential victims
        behind doors . . ., not to men-
        tion production of porn pictures
        /videos; and recall the later
        ruling protecting child-porn
        already in the market place !,
        as “protected speech” )).

        The Founders/Framers did not
        intend “secure in papers” to
        mean your photo records of
        raping infants / children / boys /
        girls / and women ! )).

        1). How about simply outlawing
        S O D O M Y—the primary
        vector for the ( hidden ) HPV
        PANDEMIC (( how many walk-
        ing DEAD are out and about,
        as there is no cure for the
        200-plus HPV variants caus-
        ing cancers in mouth, throat,
        vulva, anus, rectum, and
        penis / prostate ? )); outlaw
        homosexuality; and outlaw
        ALL PORN-Industry venues.

        Khazarian Pseudo-Jews
        (( white non-Abrahamic
        Ashkenazim ! )) run/rule
        AMERICA; and promote
        PORN of every concei-
        vable kind (( human/
        animal—the latest
        iteration )).

        2). Then, restore the Ten Commandments
        and Prayer in public square and schools;
        and add the 11th Commandment : “Thou
        shalt not commit sodomy. SCOTUS had
        been serving their own private sexual
        proclivities with that one, No Doubt !

        Sodomy keeps EVERYONE
        engaged therein, in SEXUAL
        “Old Brain” (( a/k/a Reptilian ))
        appetites—why homosexuals
        are off-the-charts VIOLENT;
        and why the homosexual-
        conceived “BROWN Shirts”
        had bloodied everything up
        in PAGAN-steeped Nazis’
        Anti-Christian Germany )).

        Today, because of
        ubiquitous P O R N,
        men and boys are in
        a CONSTANT state
        of ( violent ) sexual
        arousal (( read my
        report, “Sex Ed. 101” )).

        Communists in the ACLU,
        are to blame for lowering
        America’s moral tone while
        ignoring/hiding Israel’s
        recent adoption of a state-
        religion ( questions about
        goose/gander for U.S. ? ) :

        T A L M U D I S M !
        ( P A G A N I S T I C, Anti-Christian, Animal/Human Sacrifice )

        Or, let’s ALL just Orgy-Up,
        Sharyl, and be as RANDY as the
        — Three “Lady” Catmeteers : —
        Paltrow /
        Witherspoon /
        all of whom may be SEX-
        Club connected—being so
        very close ! (( see how fast
        NBC’s Willie Geist — NASTY,
        in my opinion, since he had
        praised Larry David one
        Sunday, as a “national
        treasure,” who likes to joke
        about raping babies — after
        that braindead owner of a
        S.F. sex club had publicly
        BLURTED out about Paltrow’s
        membership !; and Geist broad-
        casting that restore-her-rep
        feature-presentation right
        behind her sex-habits-pastime
        being publicly revealed ! )).

        -wish to make a fortune
        in book sales, Sharyl, as this
        scribbler always creates
        titles that can SELL, SELL,
        SELL ? ! :


        “ House Rules for Orgies“

        Write that book, which would
        expose what the Catmeteers
        engage; e.g., S.F. clubs have
        a minimum SIZE of a male
        organ, measured in a certain
        way, before admission in the
        Sex Club.

        Bat-Crazy Biden & Son would
        buy copies, too.


      2. P.S.

        Sharyl and Full Measure Team,

        Re : Saving America from Death (( more a out PORN ))

        I Have a Dream
        [[ Mr. Trump ? ]] :

        The SCOTUS, then comprised
        of Black-Robbed Wh_res (( my
        term )), in ‘73, had ruled for a
        Right-to-Privacy for sodomites,
        which right is TOTALLY absent
        from the U.S. Constitution, as
        the late PaleoConservative –
        and former Washington Times
        columnist – Samuel Francis
        had correctly argued (( a ruling
        making homes unsafe for kids
        and women, if rapists/killers
        can seduce potential victims
        behind doors . . ., not to men-
        tion production of porn pictures
        /videos; and recall the later
        ruling protecting child-porn
        already in the market place !,
        as “protected speech” )).

        The Founders/Framers did not
        intend “secure in papers” to
        mean your photo records of
        raping infants / children / boys /
        girls / and women ! )).

        1). How about simply outlawing
        S O D O M Y—the primary
        vector for the ( hidden ) HPV
        PANDEMIC (( how many walk-
        ing DEAD are out and about,
        as there is no cure for the
        200-plus HPV variants caus-
        ing cancers in mouth, throat,
        vulva, anus, rectum, and
        penis / prostate ? )); outlaw
        homosexuality; and outlaw
        ALL PORN-Industry venues.

        Khazarian Pseudo-Jews
        (( white non-Abrahamic
        Ashkenazim ! )) run/rule
        AMERICA; and promote
        PORN of every concei-
        vable kind (( human/
        animal—the latest
        iteration )).

        2). Then, restore the Ten Commandments
        and Prayer in public square and schools;
        and add the 11th Commandment : “Thou
        shalt not commit sodomy. SCOTUS had
        been serving their own private sexual
        proclivities with that one, No Doubt !

        Sodomy keeps EVERYONE
        engaged therein, in SEXUAL
        “Old Brain” (( a/k/a Reptilian ))
        appetites—why homosexuals
        are off-the-charts VIOLENT;
        and why the homosexual-
        conceived “BROWN Shirts”
        had bloodied everything up
        in PAGAN-steeped Nazis’
        Anti-Christian Germany )).

        Today, because of
        ubiquitous P O R N,
        men and boys are in
        a CONSTANT state
        of ( violent ) sexual
        arousal (( read my
        report, “Sex Ed. 101” )).

        Communists in the ACLU,
        are to blame for lowering
        America’s moral tone while
        ignoring/hiding Israel’s
        recent adoption of a state-
        religion ( questions about
        goose/gander for U.S. ? ) :

        T A L M U D I S M !
        ( P A G A N I S T I C, Anti-Christian, Animal/Human Sacrifice )

        Or, let’s ALL just Orgy-Up,
        Sharyl, and be as RANDY as the
        — Three “Lady” Catmeteers : —
        Paltrow /
        Witherspoon /
        all of whom may be SEX-
        Club connected—being so
        very close ! (( see how fast
        NBC’s Willie Geist — NASTY,
        in my opinion, since he had
        praised Larry David one
        Sunday, as a “national
        treasure,” who likes to joke
        about raping babies — after
        that braindead owner of a
        S.F. sex club had publicly
        BLURTED out about Paltrow’s
        membership !; and Geist broad-
        casting that restore-her-rep
        feature-presentation right
        behind her sex-habits-pastime
        being publicly revealed ! )).

        -wish to make a fortune
        in book sales, Sharyl, as this
        scribbler always creates
        titles that can SELL, SELL,
        SELL ? ! :


        “ House Rules for Orgies“

        Write that book, which would
        expose what the Catmeteers
        engage; e.g., S.F. clubs have
        a minimum SIZE of a male
        organ, measured in a certain
        way, before admission in the
        Sex Club.

        Bat-Crazy Biden & Son would
        buy copies, too.


    2. Bill Andrews,

      Nixon’s Commission on Pornography
      is part of the beginning of grooming
      little girls for the Sex Trade :

      Forwarded Message :

      Dear Health Impact News Editor,

      – snip –

      The Old Testament warns against following
      H E A R T ( …who can know it ?… )—because
      it is not the CENTER of our ( spirit ) being.

      Our Reptilian ( “Old” ) Brain controls the heart
      —and sex drive and drive to kill. So, don’t trust

      Also, you write about child-predators while avoid-
      ing the ROOT Cause of sexual predation :

      President Nixon’s Porn Commission, which gave
      us all of the RAMPANT perversion we suffer today.

      While moronic teachers and parents struggle to
      remove porn books from school libraries, they
      are blind to the TWO-CLICKS-AWAY porn, of the
      MOST perverse kind, in Google and DuckDuckGo,
      which any child in America can view.

      Why not write to REMOVE THE porn industry, as
      it is a crime against all that is wholesome about
      marriage and family.

      The Khzarian Jews run the INTERNATIONAL porn
      industries—and Khazar Jews Maury Povich, Jerry
      Springer, Howard Stern, Larry David ( likes to joke
      about raping babies ), Steve Wilkos, and more
      pump sewage into Americans’ TV via their “nosey”
      streaming service.

      And black Karamo likes to parade black men with
      20 or more illegitimate kids—seeming to enjoy
      shocking his white viewers about how impotent
      they are in comparison (( all kids with moms on
      welfare—to drive in the humiliation of white men
      even further ! )).

      Focus on the out-of-control porn industry wreck-
      ing once-high-culture civilization in the West.

      – snip –



  2. This Article and poor little kids concerns and being exploited ? Sharyl check out this Instagram account and watch her video’s in her whole profile ? = Lily (@lillyt.marley ) Instagram photo’s and video shorts. > http://www.instagram.com/lillyt.marley/ Ran across her profile by mistake I bet she is only 12 or 13 her whole page is and short videos is like some sort of sex marketing advertising into the sex trade or something ?? Pitiful ? I told Robbin Mcgraw about this today=Dr.Phil Wife ? Now click on her followers = Monkey see monkey do raunchy and dangerous behavior for little girls ? Then if you click on there followers led to even more raunchy exploitation of young girls profiles ? And they have other links to Tiktok and other. Sharyl take this little Girls videos and Show on the Congress floor and Dr, Phil because right now Congress is trying to prove Social media platforms is getting bad for kids ? I talked with Indiana Representative Mike Bruan office this morning after accidentally finding this little girls Instagram account. If some bad people trick her into her and others giving up address they could be kidnap them into the sex trade ???

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