(GALLUP) Lower US life ratings persist into 2023, just over 50% of Americans say they are “thriving”

The following is from Gallup News.

  • 52.1% thriving higher only than Great Recession, Covid outbreak eras
  • Republicans’ thriving rate plummets nine points since first half of 2021
  • Those classified as “suffering” tops 4% for fifth time in six quarters

The percentage of Americans who evaluate their lives well enough to be considered “thriving” on Gallup’s Life Evaluation Index averaged a subdued 52.1% in 2023, higher than only the Great Recession era reading in 2008-2009 (50.2%) and the first year of the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 (50.1%).

Those periods are the only times in the Gallup National Health and Well-Being Index trend since 2008 when the percentage thriving was below 52.8% for a full year or more.

Between 2015 and 2019, and in 2021, more than 55% were thriving.

The thriving rate for the most recent quarter (Quarter 4, 2023) was 52.2%, closely approximating the 2023 full-year average.

That survey, conducted Nov. 30-Dec. 7, 2023, included 6,386 U.S. adults surveyed by web as part of the Gallup Panel, a probability-based, non-opt-in panel encompassing all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

For its Life Evaluation Index, Gallup classifies Americans as “thriving,” “struggling” or “suffering” according to how they rate their current and future lives on a ladder scale with steps numbered from zero to 10, based on the Cantril Self-Anchoring Striving Scale.

Those who rate their current life a 7 or higher and their anticipated life in five years an 8 or higher are classified as thriving.

The percentage of Americans estimated to be “suffering” was 4.3% in Quarter 4, the fifth time in six quarters dating back to the second quarter of 2022 that it exceeded 4% — a plateau rarely reached in more than 150 measurement periods dating back to 2008. The 2022 and 2023 average rates both exceed what was measured during the Great Recession, the previous high among the major time periods. (Continued…)

Read more here.

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