Juvenile crime epidemic; Fake ‘Havana Syndrome’; Lockdowns Go Viral

A shocking subplot to America’s crime epidemic is the rise in violent crimes committed by children.

Sunday on Full Measure, I’ll explore the disturbing trends, beginning with a tragic triple murder in Florida of three children who police say were killed execution style by three other children.

What is behind the spike in juvenile crime and how can it be stopped?

Also I’ll be reporting from Cuba on the fascinating story behind “Havana Syndrome.” Fears over a supposed secret weapon injuring American diplomats boiled over a few years ago. In the end, it turns out there had been no such attacks. How did scientists and US leaders get it so wrong?

We’ll hear from a lead scientist in Havana who investigated the allegations and concluded long ago that they were untrue.

And we’ll speak to the maker of the documentary “Lockdowns Go Viral.”

The film is a real-time account of how the American public was misled by its own health leaders into potentially harmful practices in the name of addressing the pandemic.

See you Sunday!

We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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6 thoughts on “Juvenile crime epidemic; Fake ‘Havana Syndrome’; Lockdowns Go Viral”

  1. Why is the USA experiencing record crime levels. Is it possible that the lies told by the US Government about the Cruise Missile that struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 has caused anger inside the minds of the children? The favorite story about the Pentagon that the government wants you to believe is that an airplane struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. There was no airplane fingerprint left because there was no airplane. It was a cruise missile that struck the Pentagon and that is why a round burning hole was left. The USA will continue to see its cities disrupted by crime and violence because the government will not cease telling lies. Lies result in the destruction of the family unit. Children experience significant mental problems when the family breaks up. They act out. They join gangs. They steal and abuse. This is not rocket science. It is Cruise Missile science.

  2. Thomas Joseph Hussman

    Why is the USA experiencing record crime levels. Is it possible that the lies told by the US Government about the Cruise Missile that struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001 has caused anger inside the minds of the children? The favorite story about the Pentagon that the government wants you to believe is that an airplane struck the Pentagon on September 11, 2001. There was no airplane fingerprint left because there was no airplane. It was a cruise missile that struck the Pentagon and that is why a round burning hole was left. The USA will continue to see its cities disrupted by crime and violence because the government will not cease telling lies. Lies result in the destruction of the family unit. Children experience significant mental problems when the family breaks up. They act out. They join gangs. They steal and abuse. This is not rocket science. It is Cruise Missile science.

  3. Why do I feel I’ve woken up in the middle of a Charles Dickens novel come to life? The gritty, dirty version not the cheery musical.

  4. IRT Mr. Hussman’s post:
    I fail to see the connection between Sept 11 and the crime waves rippling across the nation by juveniles, or any group for that matter. We may agree or even disagree on what actually happened on 9/11/2001, terrorists hijacking planes or a government conspiracy to start wars; that is not relevant to crime in the streets of our major cities.
    Only when the problem and the true causes are addressed will resolutions happen. Pushing bogus causes does nothing to fix the problem.

  5. Jeff,

    How about RE-Installing the
    Ten Commandment in our
    public squares, and prayer in
    public schools ?

    How about RE-Moving “No-
    Fault” divorce, as women/
    mothers initiate 70% of
    divorces, which bad impact
    on children of broken families
    act-out their trauma; e.g., girls
    by cutting themselves, and
    boys by committing crime.

    In any case, race-mixing
    is part of the social discord,
    too, as low- or under-per-
    forming races in our schools
    claim bias/discrimination
    while it’s actually G E N E T I C
    differences, manifesting
    between/among the heritably
    U N E Q U A L races.

    Read/study Aristotle :



  6. Havana syndrome is audio acoustic effect. I docketed several of the weapons in my case. I have letters from Senators Carl Levin against it,John McCain against it, Warner, Kaine and more. Warner and Kaine voted for this human atrocity. Numerous senators have admitted they know citizens are being abused, raped, murdered, and tortured for decades. Dr Lawrence Chang put a microchip on my Vagus nerve. Judges Allen, Trexler, Duncan, Miller and Wynn claim I don’t have a constitutional right to be free of torture. They all know it’s real. My clearance gave me access to the technology. It’s all publicly available. Safeguards in a World of Ambient Intelligence. Published by Springer. Audio spotlight by Holosonics. It was first used on American Embassy diplomats in Russia over 60 years ago. They did it to me to discredit me – they committed treason and embezzled millions from the City of Norfolk. I’ve given depositions to a few class actions. Targeted Justice vs Merrack Garland. , etc . If you want an interview, I promise I won’t disappoint

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