The Oakland Unified School District in California is being sued over an allegedly racist back-to-school event that was advertised as only available to “Black, Brown and API [Asian/Pacific Islander]” students.
According to the lawsuit filed by the watchdog Judicial Watch, the “playdate social” was hosted by the district’s Chabot Elementary School in August. The event was allegedly held by the school’s “equity & inclusion committee.”
The Judicial Watch lawsuit seeks records on the planning and authorization of the “playdate” held by Chabot Elementary School titled “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API [Asian/Pacific Islander] Families.”
The invitation for the “playdate” states: “If your family identifies as Black, Brown, or API or are a parent/caregiver of a Black, Brown, or API student. Come hang out while we get a chance to know each other and build our community as we kick off this school year.”
Oakland Unified School District Superintendent Kyla Johnson-Trammel stated the following in an August 29, 2023 press release:
“Chabot is a diverse school community with more than half of the student population identifying as students of color. This playdate aimed to create an affinity space where Black, Brown, and API families can build and sustain connection and belonging at the school. It’s one of many examples of the important work we do for equity and inclusion across the District.”
This Oakland school segregated ‘playdate’ shows how the extremist Left is embracing anti-white segregation in our schools. And to make matters worse, the Oakland school district leaders are unlawfully hiding records about this deplorable abuse of schoolchildren.
Tom Fitton, Judicial Watch President
Judicial Watch filed the lawsuit after the Oakland school’s agency failed to respond to a September 29, 2023, open records request for the following information:
- Any records about planning or preparation for the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any records about approval or authorization for the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Communications between OUSD board directors and staff, OUSD senior leadership team, Chabot Elementary School staff, and/or members of the Chabot Elementary School Equity and Inclusion Committee regarding the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any records concerning or relating to inviting students or families who do not identify as “Black,” “Brown,” or “API” to the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any records concerning or regarding the presence or participation of students or families who do not identify as “Black,” “Brown,” or “API” at the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any records concerning or regarding the exclusion of students or families who do not identify as “Black,” “Brown,” or “API” at the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any rules, regulations, policies, or guidelines regarding the use of OUSD facilities or resources for race-specific or race-selective events, such as the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families.”
- Any records concerning, relating to, or addressing application of the following to race-specific or race-selective events, such as the August 26, 2023 “Playdate Social for Black, Brown & API Families”: Cal Const., art. I, § 31 (Proposition 209); U.S. Const., amend. 14; 42 U.S.C. § 2000d (Title VI); Cal. Educ. Code §§ 200 or 220; Cal Gov’t Code § 11135; Cal. Penal Code §422.55; 5 C.C.R. § 1460; or OUSD Policy Nos. 0410, 1312.3, 4030, 5143.3, or 5145.7.
Read more here: Judicial Watch v. Oakland Unified School District

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Not surprising. As an educator and staff member in K-12 and universities, I’ve seen this type of racism and segregation repeatedly. One example from a college where I worked was that the diversity director offered free coffee to those who “identify as female” on a women’s day celebration. My direct report was upset I couldn’t celebrate with her, so I complained to HR based on college policy that they won’t discriminate based on race or gender in the offering of educational programs or services. Soon after, men were allowed to get a free coffee, too.
Great Replacement of Whites’ Founding Race—with Low-I.Q. Brown/Black Invaders :
These kids will eventually be working along side white kids. Then what?
Carol B,
Aristotle, who warned
against race mixing,
would have you turn
out the lights before
escaping with your
life :
An underlying tenet of UNIVERSAL
Communism is racial mongrelization,
toward the LOWEST common denom-
inator—to effect perfect EQUALITY
( to be F A I R ! ).