(POLL) Republican primary campaign should continue

Despite former President Donald Trump’s wide lead over his GOP challengers, most voters say they believe it’s too early for his rivals to quit.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The online survey finds that 51% of likely voters believe opponents of Trump should keep campaigning against him, while 38% think Trump is already guaranteed to win the GOP nomination and his opponents should quit now.

After Trump defeated former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary, Haley vowed: “This race is far from over – there are dozens of states left to go.” 

Seventy-three percent (73%) of Democrats say they believe Trump’s GOP opponents should keep campaigning against him, but a majority (64%) of Republican voters say they think Trump’s opponents should quit now.

Among voters unaffiliated with either major party, 50% say Republican opponents should keep campaigning, while 34% say they believe Trump is already guaranteed to win the GOP nomination and his opponents should quit now.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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5 thoughts on “(POLL) Republican primary campaign should continue”

  1. Actually that helps take some of the heat off of President Trump. If she drops out there will be 100% around the clock let’s get Trump coverage in the main stream media.

  2. I am an independent (who usually votes Republican, only because the Republican creed makes the most sense to me). Moreover I am a Trumpster-who hopes Trump gets the nomination.
    However, while thinking her policies are terrible (eg. sending more arms to the Ukraine is foolish because the US is running out of munitions, and we don’t have an accounting of the arms we’ve already sent. Just this morning, I’ve read about Ukrainian weapon procurement corruption as far as arms are concerned).
    Anyway, I do admire Haley’s spunk and drive. I think having an opponent will-like a whetstone-sharpen Trump’s campaign thoughts and policies.
    Also, does anyone else think it was crummy of Trump to write those- who donate to Haley in the future- out of the Magna movement. Should Trump get the nomination (and, as I said, I hope he does), he’s going to need those people who he now he may be antagonizing.

  3. Haley can run as long as enough people are willing to dump their money into her campaign. That is the way America works and it is okay.
    The longer Haley campaigns the further left she will go and she will lose support. After the election, she will get a good book deal, maybe get a high end job with CNN and fade away. I almost said “good” job with CNN, but CNN does not have good jobs.

  4. Sharyl
    Lisa Fletcher
    Full Measure Team,

    Re : Censorship

    Your new format is far less
    efficacious !, regarding your
    fight against C E N S O R S H I P :


    Your replaced format had ALLOWED
    easy access to previous report—AND
    reports’ following POSTS.

    Is it readers’ posts you’re trying to
    control—purposely or accidentally ?


  5. The comment section STILL isn’t working when it comes to replies to comments.
    Does anyone at this website even monitor the comment section? — because there have been a number of posts mentioning that it stopped working when the format changed.
    Nothing says dereliction like a comment section that doesn’t function.

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