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(POLL) Republicans maintain wide lead on crime issue

Nine months ahead of Election Day, the Republican Party holds a wide advantage over Democrats in terms of who voters trust more to deal with the issue of crime.

That’s according to Rasmussen Reports.

The survey finds that 48% of likely voters say they trust Republicans more to handle crime and law enforcement issues, while 36% say they trust Democrats more.

Fifteen percent (15%) say they are not sure.

These findings are just slightly changed from October, when the GOP led by 11 points, 49% to 38%, on the crime issue.

By nearly a 5-to-1 margin, more voters say they believe the problem of violent crime in America getting worse (61%) rather than getting better (13%). Twenty-four percent (24%) say they see the crime problem as staying about the same.

Eighty-one percent (81%) of voters say the issue of crime will be important in this year’s presidential election, including 48% who expect the crime issue to be “very important” in November.

To see survey question wording, click here.

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1 thought on “(POLL) Republicans maintain wide lead on crime issue”

  1. Could one make the presumption that the 36% who trust democrats more plus the 15% unsure do NOT live in a city that is governed by democrats? What a shame that 51% are not following the crime statistics or just watching news that minimizes what is happening in the nation.

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