It hasn’t been well-reported, but the Communist Island of Cuba, so close to US shores, has quietly been transforming its economy.
Sunday on Full Measure, I’ll be reporting from Havana.
Cuban officials have declared their Soviet-style economy dead and are leaning in to a more Capitalistic system that allows private ownership of medium-sized businesses for the first time since Fidel Castro took over. A fascinating look at Cuba.
We’ll also be reporting on a big controversy over Liquified Natural Gas (LNG). The US is producing more than any other country in history.
Seems like something to brag about.
So why is the Biden administration keeping mum?
Another report looks at the debate over “guaranteed income.” Should you have to pay to give ex-prisoners a guaranteed income, with no work required on their part?

And an update to a story we’ve been tracking for several years. It involves CDC’s ongoing campaign to distribute misinformation surrounding Covid vaccines.
Don’t miss it!
We never waste your time rehashing the same news you’ve heard all week. Find out where and when to watch on TV or online by clicking this link: How to Watch Full Measure

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I would not trust anything coming out of Cuba. Just give them time to reveal the fine print or the part we are not supposed to know about.
Acknowledging the LNG production, is likely to upset the “shut down the fossil fuels industry and rely on green energy” crowd and dry up tens of millions of dollars in campaign donations. Destroying the petroleum industry is key to the destruction of the US which is key to the Leftist agenda.
President Trump’s platform should include an invitation to the people of Puerto Rico and Cuba to become states 51 and 52 via referendum.