President Biden is too old and/or mentally incapacitated to be president again.
That’s according to about 98% of 1,933 people surveyed in an unscientific Twitter or “X” poll.
Thirty-five percent (35%) said Biden is too mentally incapacitated.
Nearly 63% said he is both too old and too mentally incapacitated to serve four more years.
Order Sharyl Attkisson’s New Bestseller!
Only 35% believe he is too mentally incapacitated? Goodness me.
You neglected to take into account the portion of the 63% who said he was both (too old & incapacitated).
Always go BACK to Root Cause(s) of Current Confusions; e.g.
Trump had handily trounced Biden & (( his Deep State )) Team
in 2020 :
Forwarded Message :
Dear Mollie Hemingway,
So long as electronic vote machines
are used—no “election” is safe/true
from D O U B T / Suspicion !
2020 was a massive WIN for Mr. Trump,
but rightists had cowardly caved to MSM’s
fake reports.
NEVER has there been a more INSANE
loss of CHAIN-of-CUSTODY in an
election cycle—but weak-brained con-
servatives CAVED upon hearing of
Left’s FALSE, PRO-Biden (S)election
results (( Trump had had an astounding
win—as his massive pre-vote campaign
rallies had evinced while Biden couldn’t
attract 60 people onto a parking lot; and,
so, “to the dank/dark basement for you,
dear bumbling/fumbling Biden !“—said
his Lefty Handlers to his cruel, elder-
abuse of a wife )).
For examples, ( “Teddy Bear” ) Beck,
Hannity, O’Reilly and the rest of those
cowards, reported to their respective
radio/TV audiences : “See, it matters
that you show-up and vote,” as if con-
servatives hadn’t broken all previous
nails Glenn Beck had taken
Teddy Bears
to the border !—a come-one-come-all
messaging to ALL Third Worlders !
And his ”Nazarene Fund” agent –
soon-to-be exposed as a sexual
pervert – had air-shipped close
to 40,000 F A K E “Christian”/
Muslim Koranists – those “KILL-
All-Unbelievers“ type of “Christians” –
into once-White New Jersey cities
—not to forget, that that sexual
pervert had been responsible for
“charitably” parking tens-of-thousands
of Somali/Koranist refugees into once-
White/-Christian/-SAFE Michigan; and
as “Leslie Winkle“ in “The Big Bang
Theory” TV production would say of
ALWAYS-EMOTION-Driven Glenn Beck,
today :
“D U M B A S S !”
Sharyl and Full MeasureTeam,
Re : How Low America has Fallen—in Biden & Company
What of Biden’s twice-caught, M A J O R
plagiarism scandals, which ought to HAVE
– if the idea, ”STATESmanship,” had not
been made meaningless for decades –
R E S U L T E D in an impeachment inquiry
and REMOVAL from office (( if a congress-
man/-woman can’t be trusted NOT to steal
others’ written works, then he’ll surely
S T E A L / Cheat his way into political
office )) ?
“… Biden too old/mentally incapacitated to serve again”
It helps to remember that, even when he wasn’t “too old” or “mentally incapacitated,” he was ridiculously dishonest and boneheadedly STUPID.
Those pre-existing “qualities” make it difficult to tell where dishonesty and stupidity morphed into “too old” and “mentally incapacitated.” One could make a reasonable argument that Joetard is STILL simply dishonest and stupid, and age or mentally incapacitated don’t really have much to do with it. Age hasn’t made him any more honest, and stupidity is stupidity, with or without dementia.