The Dark Side of Wikipedia

It’s billed as “the encyclopedia anyone can edit.” In reality, it can be the opposite.

The following was first published in Sharyl Attkisson’s Substack.

Let me begin by saying that there are honest, well-meaning editors of Wikipedia who take part for no other reason than it’s an interest or hobby. However, when it comes to matters of controversy—and there are many— these honest editors inevitably find themselves overpowered and outgunned by what I call Wikipedia’s “agenda editors.”

Wikipedia’s agenda editors are editors who watch and control Wikipedia pages in orther to further a particular slant or narrative. These editors not only add their own selected edits, but they delete edits by others if those edits don’t line up with what the agenda editors want to portray.

Wikipedia’s agenda editors may act because they are strongly biased on a particular person or topic. They may act because they are connected to someone who benefits from their edits. They may even edit the way they do because they are compensated for it.

Often, their edits result in Wikipedia pages that are slanted, incomplete, or even entirely false.

If you dig into why this system exists and is allowed to continue, you unearth a dark world filled with censorship and shocking cases of retribution.

Read on for details.

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Co-founded in 2001 by Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, Wikipedia boasts 60.7 million pages attracting 2 billion “unique device visits” every month, as of late May.

Wikipedia’s promise to volunteer editors: anonymity and privacy. Its promise to readers: unbiased articles.

But there were conflicts in this encycutopia from the start. Co-founder Sanger quickly broke away. He later told a reporter, “People that I would say are trolls sort of took over. The inmates started running the asylum.”

Greg Kohs agrees and says that Wikipedia’s “inmates” include editors with an ax to grind or serious conflicts of interest. Kohs spoke with me about his Wikipedia experience several years ago. He told me he got banned from Wikipedia for challenging its policies.

Lots of people get banned from Wikipedia, which is just one reason why it’s a misnomer to call it “the encylopedia anyone can edit.” Kohs showed me how, in one four hour time period, 500 IP addresses and users were blocked from editing Wikipedia.

For his part, when Kohs ran afoul of Wikipedia, he was drawn into an unseen cyberworld. One where he says the controlling “volunteer editors” dole out punishment and retaliation, privacy is violated, and special interests control information.

“Sometimes editors will have very aggressive attitudes about what they want to appear in a Wikipedia article,” says Kohs.

“They can stop opposing opinions?” I ask.

“Exactly, exactly.”

“Even opposing facts?”

“Often times, yes,” Kohs replies.

When volunteer editors disagree, and they often do, it leads to “edit wars,” incredible drama fought out on Wikipedia’s “talk” and “discussion” pages.

Edit wars fill thousands of pages deep inside Wikipedia with dialogue that ranges from civil to childish and hostile. In one exchange I read, Wikipedia editors were debating how to “punish” another editor they had clashed with.

“He has violated NPA [which means ‘no personal attacks’] by telling someone they are ‘inferior’ and to ‘accept their station in life’,” argued one Wikipedia editor, referring to the supposed offender. The offending editor retorted, “I refuse to be blocked. I am not blocked. You can pretend that you block me all you like, but someone who is right can never be blocked. It is impossible’.

The Power of Editing

One thing is crucial to know. In Wikipedia’s world, the ruling authorities are the hundreds or thousands of volunteer editors who’ve reached the most powerful editing status. They’re called “administrators,” known only by their pseudonyms or user names.

In short, the more edits they make and the longer they’ve been making them, the more power they have over other Wikipedia editors.

Of course, PR firms working under anonymous accounts, and others with conflicts of interest, learned how to game this system long ago. They’ve made more edits longer than any normal user can hope to accrue. Therefore, they always win the edit wars.

Wikipedia’s powerful editors frequently control content in a way that violates Wikipedia’s supposed policies, but nobody holds them to account.

For example, some of them may have a particular view on a scientific controversy and edit or modify Wikipedia to reflect their viewpoint and discredit competing views.

Try to edit one of the “watched” pages with something that is contrary to the preferred slant, and see how fast a Wikipedia agenda editor deletes your edit!

Theatre of the Absurd

The Wikipedia dynamic has produced some absurd anecdotes.

Some years back, famed author Philip Roth tried to correct a major fact error on a Wikipedia page that cited the inspiration behind one of his book characters. It was wrong. But every time Roth corrected the information, anonymous Wikipedia editors kept reverting it back to the false information.

When Roth finally reached a person at Wikipedia (which is beyond the capability of most mortals), he says he pleaded the case that he ought to know what was the inspiration behind his own book characters. That’s when he says they told him that he was simply “not considered a credible source—on himself.”

I became interested in Wikipedia’s processes more than a decade ago. I had tried, without success, to correct provably false facts on my Wikipedia biography. It has an incorrect job history, the incorrect birth place and an incorrect birth date. When I tried to fix these things, the information was reverted back by anonomous Wikipedia editors watching my page. When I persisted, I got blocked from Wikipedia for punishment periods. There was nobody to appeal to.

But far more serious was that agenda editors apparently related to pharmaceutical interests and the partisan blog Media Matters worked to control my Wikipedia biographical page, making sure that slanted or false information remained. For example, they falsely referred to my reporting as “anti-vaccine,” and implied my reporting on the topic had been discredited.

In fact, my vaccine and medical reporting has been recognized by top national journalism awards organizations, and has even been cited as a source in a peer reviewed scientific journal. But anyone who tried to edit this factual context and footnotes onto my page found it quickly removed.

In contrast, what persisted was information sourced to citations that are supposedly disallowed under Wikipedia’s policies. For example, they included Media Matters, which doesn’t fit Wikipedia’s category of a credible source.

Follow the Money

Sometimes, following the money can reveal a lot about why Wikipedia’s pages are controlled the way they are.

Millions of dollars can depend on how an idea or product is portrayed on Wikipedia.

Wikipedia editors that were reportedly linked to the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca got caught posting negative material on competitors’ pages and adding promotional material to their own.

Two trusted Wikipedia officials were exposed running businesses that covertly edited Wikipedia for PR clients: prohibited conduct.

Interests for Sony, the CIA, the Vatican, Barack Obama and Senator John McCain all reportedly have been caught secretly editing their own Wikipedia pages to their advantage. Again, that is supposedly prohibited conduct.

Wikipedia has policies discouraging or banning the editing of Wikipedia for personal or financial gain, sometimes called “covert editing.” But it happens all the time.


Mike Wood moonlighted by editing Wikipedia articles for pay while on breaks as a casino inspector. He told me that his confrontation with Wikipedia was life-changing.

Wood publicly criticized Wikipedia’s policies that barred people like him from editing Wikipedia for pay as a business. He and others argued that tons of Wikipedia agenda editors were PR firms using psydonyms to edit for clients. Why shouldn’t ordinary folks be able to help clients write or correct false Wikipedia entries that impacted them?

Wood says that his public criticism resulted in Wikipedia editors lashing out at him, tracking him at work, and getting him fired.

One day, Wood says, his boss called him in for a meeting. The boss told him, “We received an email and a phone call from the Wikimedia Foundation, telling us that you are using our servers to edit Wikipedia.”

Even worse, the boss told Wood that Wikipedia had “put a hard block on our servers, so now no one is allowed to access Wikipedia from our job site.”

That was enough to get Wood fired.

“It was a huge violation of privacy,” said Wood. “They put so much pressure on my employer by blocking access to Wikipedia, by telling them what was going on, just the embarrassment, the potential embarrassment alone of what the Wikimedia Foundation pressured my employer with was enough for the employer to terminate me.”

Information Stranglehold

Here’s an example I saw firsthand where anonymous Wikipedia agenda editors maintained a stranglehold on a selected topics. Kohs demonstrated for me by using the case of Morgellons.

The Mayo Clinic calls Morgellons “an unexplained skin disorder characterized by sores.” But the Wikipedia page dismisses Morgellons as a “delusional belief.”

I sat next to Kohs at a desktop computer as he added a factual comment and a research footnote to the Morgellons page, which is a classic way editors are supposed to be able to modify a page—but the referenced research differed with the page’s slant. We wanted to see what would happen.

In 38 minutes, Kohs’ edit and the research footnote on the Morgellon’s page had been made to disappear. They were removed by an anonymous Wikipedia editor at the “administrator” level (an editor who has more power and has made more edits than ordinary Wikipedia users). This editor was clearly watching the Morgellons page to protect it from edits contrary to the preferred narrative that the disorder is nothing more than a delusion.

If you know where to look, it’s possible to see the many Wikipedia topics the same editor had worked hard to control. We were able to trace that editor’s actions and see that he or she (or possibly a company using a single editing account) was apparently involved with the medical or the pharmaceutical industry, and seemed to have an agenda to discredit or to suppress alternative medicines and information that fights medical establishment narratives.


When I interviewed Kohs, he saw himself as a sort of equalizer. He had a business helping clients, including supposed victims of unfair Wikipedia edits, navigate Wikipedia’s unbridled landscape.

Like Wood, Wikipedia banned him for violating the policy against paid editing. When Kohs criticized the policy and continued under a borrowed account, Wikipedia editors also targeted him.

These Wikipedia editors went to great lengths to track him, using inside information and computer IP addresses. They researched where Kohs grew up, and traced his movements all the way to Orlando, Florida, where he was making edits while on vacation for Thanksgiving.

Kohs only discovered that Wikipedia editors were tracking him because somebody leaked documents showing internal Wikipedia discussions about him. One of those documents read, “looks like someone went home for Thanksgiving to visit mom and dad.”

“You think you’re editing with some degree of privacy, but if they want to they can really start to investigate,” observed Kohs.

No Comment

Wikimedia Foundation is the nonprofit that runs Wikipedia. When I researched a story for my TV program Full Measure, I asked Wikimedia Foundation for an interview and comment, but it declined.

Wikimedia Foundation exudes the attitude that Wikipedia and its editors operate pretty much on their own, without the Foundation’s involvement.

The Wikipedia editors I asked also offered no comment. Same with Jimmy Wales.

Co-founder Larry Sanger, who broke away from Wikipedia, has called it “broken beyond repair.”

Yet it remains one of the world’s most referenced sites.

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18 thoughts on “The Dark Side of Wikipedia”

  1. I had my own Wiki editing issue over 15+ years ago. Just because something is on the internet or Wiki doesn’t mean it is true or accurate.

    Volunteer admins and mods are the #1 problem on most platforms. I don’t understand how the for-profit platforms can use free labor to enforce their policies (or rogue policies) and inconsistently without consequence.

  2. If you want to see how distorted Wikipedia can be, check out the entry for “The Rothschilds”. It reads like a chapter from “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”!

  3. Wikipedia has long been known among us blue collar, common sense, ” trust, but verify” folks as Wackypedia. Just the scale of the goofy answers to common sense searches sets off the red flags.

  4. I recall once, many years ago, trying to edit a Wikipedia article concerning something i was very familiar with in relation to Wiki information that was ridiculously wrong. I would not have even tried to edit the page if it weren’t something about which I had direct, first-hand information.

    I went through the process, corrected the erroneous informaiton, and when I went back the next day, my corrections had been removed and the page had returned to its error-filled original state.

    Since then, I trust Wikipedia ONLY for general, uncontroversial, background information — usually as just the first stop in doing some research, to see what leads might be there — but NEVER for controversial information or exacting details.

  5. The poem that keep Nelson Mandela alive during his long persecution:

    Out of the night that covers me,
    Black as the pit from pole to pole,
    I thank whatever gods may be
    For my unconquerable soul.

    In the fell clutch of circumstance
    I have not winced nor cried aloud.
    Under the bludgeonings of chance
    My head is bloody, but unbowed.

    Beyond this place of wrath and tears
    Looms but the Horror of the shade,
    And yet the menace of the years
    Finds and shall find me unafraid.

    It matters not how strait the gate,
    How charged with punishments the scroll,
    I am the master of my fate,
    I am the captain of my soul.

    1. Nelson Mandela is a prime example of what is wrong with Wiki.
      Nelson Mandela was a bomb thrower which resulted in unarmed civilian deaths. Times were tough back then, money and supplies were in short supply and car bombs had not been invented yet.
      So the general procedure was a 2 man team. The first drove the Moped and the passenger sitting behind him held the satchel charge and would throw it into a group of people waiting to get on a bus or sitting in a sidewalk cafe.
      Wiki said he was convicted of treason, the first and only item I checked today. Other articles are content wit anti-apartheid activist.
      I had a kid ask me why he spent 27 years in prison because he actually looked for the charges or what he was convicted of. Most people do not bother and are content with the bilge dished out by Wiki and the media.
      BTW: I am old enough to remember reading the current events in the newspapers.

  6. Here’s’ a perfect, non-controversial example of the kind of bogus information you can find at Wikipedia. It’s not important information that one might expect someone to LIE about, it’s just a simple statistic concerning attendance at the 1977 Pink Floyd concert at Municiple Stadium in Cleveland, Ohio — where I happened to be in attendance.

    Wikipedia says there were 80 people in attendance: “In Chicago, the band played to an estimated audience of 95,000; in Cleveland and Montreal, they set attendance records for those venues by playing to about 80,000 people.”

    In actual FACT, Cleveland Municiple Stadium had an 82, 000 person seating capacity, and 84,000 person campacity with standing room, for such events as the first ever Monday Night Football game in 1970 (Browns v Jets — I was there).

    BUT for the Pink Floyd concert, the sears were filled, standing room was filled, AND the entire floor of the stadium was filled — all totalled, an estimated 120,000 peeople:

    Somehow, Wikipedia thinks the crowd in that photo is smaller than the crowd at a football game in the same stadium, when the crowd is confined to the stands. LOL LOL LOL

  7. I love Wikipedia for many things, but if there is the possibility of a political or business angle, I take anything I read there with great skepticism! It’s the same way one should view the “mainstream media”. They get some basic information right, but their selection and presentation of the news is always biased to the left. This is the world we live in. Awareness is key. And of course, searching out alternative sources of information is mandatory.

  8. Thank you for this article! I never fully trusted Wikipedia as a source, but I figured it was relatively accurate because inaccurate information could be fixed. I stand corrected! I will never see Wikipedia the same again.

  9. Why doesn’t Larry Sanger get with someone like Britannica or Encarta and try for a v2.0 product. Perhaps set it obtain crowd sourced info like Wikipedia where anyone can submit “improvements” to individual sections, but only official employees (who can be fired for being biased) can publish the changes after the info has been verified.

  10. There was a 93 page legal document posted in wiki about citizenship. It was mainly directed at 0bama and he is not a citizen.
    It disappeared for a few years and returned with 85 pages. I can say that because I copied the 93 pages. Had I not done that, it would have ceased to exist.
    The author was an American attorney and when it had disappeared, entering the author’s name would get me to a NZ car dealership of the same name.

      1. I am glad you are interested.
        I will try to to post the link here or I can email the 85 page version. I will try to post the 85 page link here tonight or tomorrow.

        As for their 93 page version, I would have to scan it or photocopy and email it to you.

  11. I used to contribute both time and money. After a disagreement if certain professor was “noteworthy”, I stopped. Your reporting merely confirms my decision. Too bad there’s not a way to have a truly “fair” democratic “encyclopedia”. Maybe like ₿, an anonymous individual will make it possible.

    I cannot get a reply to open a box, so this will have to do.
    I had downloaded 85 page version, but cannot send it. I found this online and it appears to be valid. Bing had nothing on Greschak, I believe it was google that had one entry posted by another person, which I believe to be valid. Dozens of Greschak funerals. My Point: Since they have buried this document, it must be more valuable than I had realized.
    John Greschak – What is a Natural Born Citizen of the United States?

  13. Thank you.
    Greschak came to my attention a few years ago and I happened to copy of his 93 pages of “What is a Natural Born Citizen?. Then it disappeared from the web and from my inboxes as well as every one sent it to.
    The while the e-mails themselves remained, when opened, was an ad for Greschak cars in New Zealand. Essentially it had disappeared and there was no proof it ever existed, except I had copies.
    I looked later for Grescak’s , “What is a Natural Born Citizen” and found and 85 page version. That disappeared a few months ago, and a web page for “foto-time was under construction appeared.
    This morning, I decided to see if I could find a new version of Greschak’s work, which I did. I don’t know how many pages are there. Everything Greschak wrote fills Page 1 and beyond. He used to be some place after page 8 on Wiki. I never knew anything about him, but today, I realized he was a true “Renaissance Man”. It appears his writings are under the protection of his daughter and her husband.
    Thank you, Sharyl.

  14. Wiki Editing aka Censorship or Mis-Information:
    1). In my commenting, I have referenced “The 1968 Government Finance Act” a writing that used to be on Wiki. Last time I attempted to access that writing, it appears as some law that was passed in 1981. My point, in 1968 means it was signed by President Johnson, in 1981, it would be signed by President Reagan. The Democrats do not care what happens to America, just so they can blame a Republican.
    The 1968 Government Reform Act put all revenue into one account and paid bills out of that Account. While it seems sensible, the revenue going into that account, included Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds. That money was used to fund LBJ’s Great Society programs, NOT the Vietnam War. The drawdown began in 1968, so the cost declined though the war still raged. Economist, Dr. Walter Williams (RIP) wrote a column in 2014 stating to that point that the Great Society programs had cost $14 trillion dollars. The same as the National Debt at the time. Using what I call guesses and estimations and Williams’ work I put the Great Society Costs today at $23 trillion dollars.
    2). Another Wiki Aberration: President George HW Bush is being blamed for dual citizenship because he wanted a certain people (I think Saudis) to become US citizens in the 1990s. I have referenced the 1967 “Afroyim v Rusk” in which the Supreme Court ruled it was unconstitutional to require immigrants to renounce their former citizenship before being granted US Citizenship. I believe there are about 50 million Dual Citizens in the US, mainly from nations hostile to the US.

    The above 2 Govt Actions have appeared in my “1960s Government Actions Implemented to Destroy America”. I will repeat myself, the Democrats do not care what happens to America, just so they can blame a Republican. Recently, the blame has fallen on Trump.

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