Skyhorse Publishing and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) have published a new book on the history of the US military’s 1998 illegal mandate of the anthrax vaccine, and its impact on both the troops forced to take it and on future vaccine mandates.
Unyielding: Marathons Against Illegal Mandates is written by retired fighter pilot Colonel Thomas “Buzz” Rempfer. It details his work fighting the military anthrax vaccine mandate that was ultimately declared illegal by federal judge Emmet F. Sullivan in 2003.
“The women and men of our armed forces put their lives on the line every day to preserve and safeguard the freedoms that all Americans cherish and enjoy,” Judge Sullivan wrote in that decision. “[T]he United States cannot demand that members of the armed forces also serve as guinea pigs for experimental drugs.”
Rempfer makes the argument that the US military’s history of illegally mandating the anthrax vaccine for all personnel, regardless of assignment, directly predicted the illegal imposition of Covid vaccine mandates in both the military and civilian populations.
“In retrospect, the anthrax vaccine program was a ‘trial run’ for imposing experimental, unsafe, and untested vaccines on the entire population during the COVID era,” said Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Children’s Health Defense chairman on leave and author of The Wuhan Cover-Up: And the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race. “The anthrax jab’s striking parallels with the current COVID-19 vaccine fiasco deserve our attention.”
Some scientists and historians say the anthrax vaccine and others are implicated in Gulf War syndrome. “The safety and efficacy of the currently used anthrax vaccine have never been established, either for cutaneous or inhalation exposure in humans,” wrote Dr. Meryl Nass, a physician and bioweapons development expert, in 2002.
According to Major General Ronald Blanck in 1994, “Anthrax vaccine should continue to be considered as a potential cause for undiagnosed illnesses in Persian Gulf military personnel.”
Approximately 200,000 veterans of the 1991 Persian Gulf War – or one-third of the deployed troops – suffer from Gulf War syndrome. While the anthrax vaccine wasn’t mandated for all military personnel until 1998, it was routinely given to troops before deployment in the preceding years.
Unyielding is available at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and at independent booksellers nationwide.
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My co-worker was a Green Beret and he got the Anthrax Jabb back during the first GULF War.
Posted this on your GAB acct
RE: Anthrax “vaccine”
1996 actually.
I was one of those guinea pigs that was given what they said was an anthrax “vaccine”.
Ft. Jackson, SC – fall of ’96
Charlie Company, 2nd Platoon
We were all ordered to go to the base auditorium. The entire Company. They had armed MP’s at every door. They chained the doors from outside. HUGE drill sergeants walked around making sure no one was looking at the people getting injected, M & F.
“Doctors”(?) and assistants in white lab coats went around and, one by one, we were ordered to drop trousers, bend over and take the MASSIVE needle in the right ass cheek.
It left a golfball sized welt for two weeks. I PEEKED. The needle was big enough for a capsule/pill to fit through and the huge tube looked like it was full of elmers glue.
We were previously given (first week, pre-training) a massive mixed innoculation. For about two weeks, everyone was deathly sick with upper respiratory infections. My fingertips went numb for a couple of weeks. I complained and a drill sargeant mocked me.
In 1999, a glass capsule protruded through the skin near my anus. I freaked out because I knew it was a glass-enclosed “Verichip” implant. I tried to cut it out but it slipped back inside and I never saw it again.
I would be very willing to be tested and find it. I now believe two more were implanted in me. One while I was having scalp surgery and another forced into my arm in Whistler, BC Canada (FED?).
My life has been Hell ever since. Prior to the shot, I was investigating WACO and other federal crimes during the Clinton Regime.
I’ll even take a polygraph.
Kevin Wright
Thank you Kevin, for sharing your horrifying experience. OMG, how dare they use our armed forces–those who have sworn to protect our country–as guinea pigs and actually as the first offerings in the depopulation of our country and the world. The “Verichip” implant is even more horrifying. What information have THEY been gathering on you all these years–and what further harm did they spread through your system through this implant? I just watched The Silence of Others–an award-winning documentary of the Amnesty Years following Franco’s death in Spain. The Amnesty Act–passed with overwhelming support by the Franco supporters in Spain’s Government at that time (1978) made it impossible to bring any of the perpetrators of Franco’s totalitarian rule and atrocities to justice. All who were tortured or saw their loved ones slaughtered have had to swallow that bitter pill every day–but in the last years, before all the witnesses of those crimes die, many are standing and demanding justice through a judge in Argentina (They tried Pinochet for his crimes before his death) and little by little, year by year are reclaiming their right to speak of the atrocities and their right to justice. We must demand justice for what you suffered, Kevin Patrick Wright, and all those who were “USED” while serving our country–and many, many more.
I served in the U.S. Army, my father was in the U.S. Marine Corps Recon. Thankfully we both served without the Anthrax Vax, BUT my son chose to live his military life under water. Submarines, now that’s an interesting life. I’m very proud of my son but I do honestly believe that he has medical issues due to the Anthrax Vax and one other mandatory drug that I will not name (can’t afford to fight a lawsuit) I remember him telling me he had no choice but to take the Anthrax and other vaccine. He was rightfully concerned. I was concerned and unfortunately could not offer any substantial advice at the time. People should know what our military does and what they’re capable of doing. Wake up folks…please.